martedì 19 gennaio 2010

Io amo gli swap - I love swaps

§ Come ho scritto nel post precedente io amo gli swap.
Mi piace ricamare, l'unica mini cosa che mi riesce davvero bene, e adoro il lavoro di tanti talentuosi amici.
Qualche mese fa ho scritto a Josje di A Beautiful World per chiederle se
poteva vendermi il kit per delle sue meravigliose seggioline e lei gentilmente mi ha proposto un baratto i
n cambio di un cuscino per la sua camera da letto..
Per non sbagliare colori le ho chiesto dei campioni dei tessuti e delle tappezzerie e quando sono arrivati sono rimasta abbagliata dalla loro delicatezza.
Non potevo assolutamente farne uno solo e mi sono ispirata a tutti e tre.
Per tanti motivi i tempi si sono allungati ma la settimana scorsa io sono diventata la felicissima proprietaria di una incredibile seggiolina e di un meraviglioso acquarello .
Josje ha ricevuto i cuscinetti e mi ha reso orgogliosa postandoli nella sua meravigliosa casa.
Grazie ancora Josje.

§ As I wrote in the previous post I love swaps.
I enjoy stitching, the only mini thing in which I feel proficient, and I adore the work of many talented people.
Some months ago I asked Josje of A Beautiful World to ask her if she could sell me the kit for one of her chairs and she most kindly proposed a swap of it for a pillow for her bedroom.
I asked her samples of the fabrics and wallpapers not to be mistaken about colours and when they arrived I was taken by their delicacy.
I could not possibly make only one and all three inspired me.
For many reasons time went by but the last week I've become the very happy owner of an incredible little chair and of a wonderful watercolour.
Josje received her little pillows ans she made me most proud by doing a post about them in her beautiful home.
Thank you again and again Josje.

15 commenti:

  1. I said it on Josje's post and I will say it again here. I think they are exquisite. You are so clever to come up with the designs that really go with her room. The one with the girl is so apt but so are the other 2. I can't wait to see you start on the la casa rossa soon, Rosanna.

  2. I tuoi cuscini sono veramente bellissimi! Come ti ho gia' postato si vede che sono fatti con il cuore.
    Anche a me piacerebbe partecipare ad uno swap sopratutto per la gioia di vedere nella cassetta della posta buste provenienti da tanti posti del mondo.

  3. Those pillows are gorgeous! I don't have a pretty small chair to trade for three pillows, but perhaps you'll consider a 1:1 chair? Now if only I can squeeze it into an envelope!

    You have a very special talent Rosanna.

  4. The embroidered pillows are very nice. The chair of Josje I also made last year in summer.

  5. Rosanna, your needlework is the best! Not just the work itself, which makes my eyes cross just thinking about doing petit point on that fine a gauze, but the fact that you design these tiny patterns. Brava!

  6. Hello
    The pillows are absolutely gorgeous - I admire your talent
    very much - and Josjes chair is
    something to dream of too!
    Eva J

  7. I love the pillows, specially the third one, it's so different and delicate!

  8. Rosanna your little cushions look beautiful in Josje's room and I'm sure Josje's chair will look perfect where ever you put it. xxx

  9. The cushions you made for Josje are always! It seems like a swap made in heaven....the cushions match Josje's house so well and the chair you recieved is fabulous....Enjoy!

    Regards, Linda x

  10. Sono molto carini, li piaceranno moltissimi, per certo grazie per il tui cumplimenti dil nuovo disegno dil blog. Un bacio

  11. Ciao...i tuoi cuscini sono veramente belli!!.....Questa è la prima volta che lascio un piccolo commento,ma ti assicuro che seguo costantemente il tuo bog....è qualcosa di speciale!!

  12. Ciao,
    I just came to visit your site, it so pretty I have become a follower.
    I look forward to seing more of your pretty handiworks.

  13. Hi Rosanna:)
    Lovely chair you have got. I have just decided that I will be at Simp. Missing Paris already and then there is only one thing to do..Lol go back;) Yes I hope you will be there too:)

  14. questi cuscini sono una gioia per gli occhi!! bravissima!

  15. Hi Rosanna,sorry for being not around to comment at your blog,but I,m very busy and have a lot on my mind! I wanted to say that I realy love the swap you made for josje and I know how beautiful they realy are ,because I still treasure mine! The chair you got from josje will be even more beautiful when you will embroidre the cushions for it,can't wait to see!

    Missed you xx,
