mercoledì 8 aprile 2009

cestini di Pasqua

Ancora niente giacinti, sto facendo dei vasi speciali solo per loro, però un tocco primaverile ci vuole.
Domenica ero sola in casa, Matteo era fuori, Walter era al campo da golf, pioveva così non potevo uscire allora mi sono inventata dei cestini pasquali. Solo carta e un po' di stoffa ma mi sono divertita.
Easter hampers
Still no hyacinths, I'm doing some special vases for them, but there is need of a spring touch.
Last Sunday I was alone at home, Matteo was out, Walter was at the golf course, it was raining and I couldn't go out thus I made up some Easter hampers. Only some paper and some fabric but I had fun.

13 commenti:

  1. Wonderful Rosanna. I love them.
    Mini hugs!

  2. Quasi come le cestini di mia zia nel paese (non la nazione, jeje).

  3. Pretty! Are they mini or life size? ;)

  4. Ya, are they minis, Rosanna? Either way, they are cheery and lovely!

  5. Glenda and sans: yes, they are minis and contain an easter egg and two bags of choco mini eggs and biscuits.Glad you like them

  6. Oh Rosanna! They are the sweetest little hampers. I hope you have a very happy Easter!

  7. Verry beautiful done from paper and some fabric, verry clever!
    * marlies
