venerdì 24 aprile 2009

for those who asked

This is an aswer to the kind people who asked me why.
I sworn off minis nearly two years ago, May 2007, when my beloved Mamma suddenly passed away.
She was in perfect health and only 65, but an aneurism killed her in no minutes.
We were under a shock.
She was my biggest fan and we had much fun together. I simply couldn't stand any more something which had been ours.
I gave up my dollhouse, nearly all my collection and made a decision.
Last september I changed my mind but even now there is a hint of pain in what I do: I'd like to show her the new things, tell her about the blog and the people I met.
Now I'm playing alone and I miss her too much.

22 commenti:

  1. Rosanna, your Mum would be so proud of you and the wonderful Miniatures you make. I also used to attend the fairs with my Mum and we used to have a wonderful time together. She was only 57 when she died and I miss her every day. She was my Best Friend.

  2. Io credo che sia ancor ora la tua più grande fan...
    un abbraccio forte

  3. Rosanna, you have a wonderful talent and I'm sure your mum would not want you to give up something that made you both so happy.

  4. Rosanna, I know it is dificult for you, but you must remember all the beautiful things that you and your mother shared. Lots of people (including me) have noting to remember.

  5. Cara Rosanna,
    ti capisco perfettamente e credo che la tua scelta di ricominciare sia coraggiosa e anche la scelta più giusta. Probabilmente la tua mamma non avrebbe voluto che tu lasciassi perdere qualcosa in cui sei così brava e che porta tanta soddisfazione e tanti amici!
    Spero che riusciremo ogni giorno a non farti sentire sola.
    Un caro abbraccio

  6. Rosanna, I'm sure your mother laughs because you play again.
    * marlies

  7. Rosanna I am sorry to hear about your mom...but I am sure she never would like you to stop doing something that made you both so happy...keep alife the wonderful memories.

    Hugs Sabiha

  8. Rosanna,
    I've tried to send you an email 3 times but it keeps telling me its failed. So if you don't get a reply, I'm not ignoring you, but it won't seem to go through. You might even get the message 3 times as I've tried to resend it.

  9. Dear Rosanna, your mother is watching you and enjoying your refound interest/love of miniatures. She is guiding you from above. I lost my mother, WOW, over 23 years ago. I can still "see" her and hear here. I know she sent me Hannah Banana as she's fiesty like my mom was, LOL, and my mother LOVED animals. My Aunt sent us Kodak :) Hugs, Marsha

  10. Oh Rosanna.....You're making me cry! I couldn't imagine losing my Mom, I too share everything about what I make, and who I meet with her. She's even heard about you!

    Your Mom is still there! Watching you, and I'm sure she's happy to see you create again!

    I know it's not the same, but you have us now! We all love seeing what you come up with, and anytime you need a friend, we're here!


  11. Rosanna, I firmly believe that those that we love that have passed on still see what we are doing and support us. I am sure that your mom is looking over your shoulder and smiling at the beautiful things that you create. I lost my mom when I was twelve. I understand how you feel.

  12. Sorry to hear of your loss. I am sure she would be happy knowing that you are doing something you enjoy so much. Have a great weekend.

  13. Rosanna I'm positive your Mom would want you to be happy doing miniatures. She is still right there with you. Smiling because you are doing them again.
    Hugs! My friend I know it is hard when you miss them so much.

  14. You are a very talented woman. I am sure that your Mum would like to see that your passion and creativity for miniatures is coming back. She would be happy.
    Mini hugs

  15. I believe your mother guided you back to miniatures and that you aren't alone while you work. Your talents and gifts are things she was proud of and things you should cherish.

    Besides, you aren't all alone now. You have all of us. We may not be in the same room with you when you work, but we are with you in spirit. I know I speak for myself and many others when I say that we cherish you.

  16. My dearest, you make me cry. You really move me so much that you cannot even imagine.
    This is the spirit which guided me to this blog. I know you are all wwith me. I've come to wait for your mails and comments and you really give me a lot of joy. Thank you very much, more than I'm able to express. Big hugs to you all. Rosanna

  17. Ahh Rosanna I too lost my mother who was very dear to me and we were very close. But I know she is with me still as I am sure your mother is still with you in spirit. Rejoice with her on all your lovely creations as I am sure she is so pleased that you returned to something you both loved.

  18. Rosanna, I'm so sorry for your loss, suddenly must be so difficult, it was so wonderful you had your mother to share your miniatures with. My mother died last October, I didn't blog for the longest time and wondered if I would feel like doing minis again too. My mom was the reason I make mini books and love books so much. Big Hugs, Jean

  19. Tears in my eyes as I am typing. I am quite sure I will feel the same, Rosanna because I consult my mum all the time...sigh

  20. It is natural to morn the loss of your Mom and miniature partner - taking a break is a good thing. It's also a good thing that you have the courage to start anew and I'm sure your talent and enthusiasm will inspire others. I'm glad to have met you!

  21. Ho tradotto il post con babelfish che non è un gran che, ma il senso comunque l'ho capito.
    Continua a fare mini, sarà come tenere la tua mamma accanto a te per sempre :o)

  22. Dear Rosanna.
    I am so sorry to hear about your mama....
    I am convinced though, that she would like you to continue the miniature hobby...and maybe she´s there with you... at least in your thoughts, and whenever you play!
    Big hug from Synnøve
