mercoledì 27 maggio 2009

fotine - piccies

Camera con vista
A room with a view
Special for Jodi: you are right, there is life in the desert. Can you see the foot prints?
Lago Salato: non c'è più acqua, solo una distesa di sale puro.
Salted Lake: there is no water at all, just a plane of pure salt.

Chenini, villagio berbero sulla montagna. Vista incredibile da lassù.
Chenini, berber village up on the mountain. Striking view from upthere.
Rosanna con qualche chilo di troppo
Rosanna with some weight to lose

Queste sono per Katie e il suo negozio di Guerre Stellari. Questo è il set autentico del film a Tatahoiune.
These are for Katie and her Star Wars Toy Shop. Thisis the acual site of shooting at Tatahouine.
Granai a Medenin
Barns at Medenin

Sono una fotografa scadente ma volevo mostrarvi qualche angolino. Spero vi faccia piacere.

I'm a very poor photographer but I wanted to share some spots. I hope you'll like them.

17 commenti:

  1. Lovely Lovely area... OooOo how I would have loved to have been there... Thanks for the picture of 'life' in the desert...

    GREAT to see you ...thanks for sharing your wonderful time...and the very pretty picture of You!



  2. The pictures are all lovely! If I was as skinny as you, I would not ever complain! :-)

  3. Oh, Rosanna, what absolutely beautiful photos! I especially like the lovely picture of you!! Thank you for sharing your vacation with us!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing your vacation - great pictures. You are a very pretty young lady.

  5. So pretty and we are lucky you took pictures to share with us! It must be even more amazing in person!

  6. Rosanna,the photos are wonderful. I love the architecture.It looks like a really intersting place to explore.

  7. beautiful looks like you had a wonderful time.

    Don't lose an look perfect as you are :-)

  8. Your pictures are great, thank you for sharing these views and Rosanna you are beautiful!

  9. Are you kiddin'.....I can't find a single thing wrong with the picture of you! You're Beautiful Rosanna!!! Your always so hard on yourself!!

    Oh My Goddness! Your Star Wars Pictures are amazing!!! I love all the detail~ And those planters!! I'm really speechless over here...i cant wait to show the kids!! Great eye candy for me, THANK-YOU!!!!!! I gotta go back and look at those again!!!

  10. It looks so amazing! What an interesting place and full of history. And you don't need to lose any weight!

  11. "PheeeeeePhewwwww" can you tell that is a wolf whistle? You should now put that pic on your profile, on your driver's licence, ID , passport, blow it up as poster and give to all your fans! You look like a teenager, my dear. A real pretty one too. These photographs are simply amazing. The subject matter is great. The "star wars" adobe! I thought it was just a sedentary golf holiday? My goodness, this is like scene from an epic movie.

  12. Rosanna, beautiful pictures and what a nice place to go!!! You look really pretty in the photo!!
    I'm glad you had a nice time.

  13. che belle foto! E trovo che la foto del tuo profilo non ti renda giustizia sei ancora più bella e solare in questa foto vacanziera!
    Un abbraccio!

  14. Hi everyone, thank you for the kind comments on my are really an affectionate bunch!
    Tunisia is an interesting place and has gorgeous landscapes and architecture. The barns in Medenin and Tatahouin were built in 1600 and they belonged to nomadic tribes which used them to store their belongings. They were still in use around 1960. I love their structure.

  15. That's what I thought too, you look great in that picture!
    I've never been to Tunesia, it looks very beautiful where you've been.

  16. They are wonderful photos and you are so lovely!

    Mini Hugs, Jean

  17. Oh, Rosanna, that pic of you is beautiful. What a wonderful place, thanks for showing me parts of the world I may never get to!
