lunedì 11 maggio 2009

Palazzo Spinola in Pellicceria

Oggi finalmente sono andata a visitare Palazzo Spinola in Pellicceria. Da anni volevo andare ma, per una ragione o per l'altra, non riuscivo mai a ritagliare quelle 2 o 3 orette per farlo.
Per chi non lo sapesse, Genova è ricchissima di Musei e Palazzi museali, si dice che ne abbia addirittura più di Firenze, ben conservati e ben curati.
Uno di questi è Palazzo Spinola che fino al 1959 era di proprietà dei marchesi Spinola che per testamento lo donarono allo Stato Italiano affinchè potesse rappresentare l'esempio di una dimora nobiliare. Infatti nei 2 piani nobili non ci sono etichette o didascalie proprio per non intaccare l'atmosfera "domestica" che vi si respira.
Il palazzo è stato costruito nel 1593 e costantemente restaurato e decorato fino alla fine del 1800. Faceva parte dei Rolli per cui aveva anche funzioni di rappresentanza.
Purtroppo non è permesso fare fotografie all'interno, sono riuscita a farne solo un paio con la complicità della custode, ma fidatevi se vi dico che è una vera reggia e che vi sono custoditi capolavori di mobili, quadri e arredi.
Se volete saperne di più potete andare su e godervi un mini tour virtuale.
In un prossimo post vi spiegherò cosa sono i Rolli , un'istituzione solo genovese e davvero particolare.

Palazzo Spinola in Pellicceria
Today, at last, I managed to go and visit Palazzo Spinola in Pellicceria. It was years since I wanted to go but, for some reason or another, I have never been able to steal those 2 or 3 hours to do it .
For those who do no know, Genoa is very rich in museums and palaces, someone says more than Florence, well kept and preserved.
One of those is Palazzo Spinola which belonged to Marquises Spinola until 1959 when they left it in their will to the Italian Government in order to show the example of a noble house. In fact in the 2 main floors there are not labels or writings on pictures or furniture not to waste the "domestic" appeareance.
The Palace was built in 1593 and it has been constantely redecorated and refurbished until the end of 1800. It was part of the Rolli so it also had representative functions.
Alas it is forbidden to take pictures inside, I only managed to take a couple with the takecarer's complicity but you can trust me if I tell you thatit is a real royal paplace and that it contains unique masterpieces of furniture, pictures and decorations.
If you want to know something more you can click on and enjoy a mini virtual tour.
In some other post I'll explain what Rolli are, because it a only Genoise institution and a rather particular one.
I took the pic of the chandelier on Linda's sake: it is nearly 2 metres wide. Really lustrous.

11 commenti:

  1. How absolutely breathtaking!!! I'm so glad you were able to go today!! Thank you so much for sharing the photos! I used to love visiting castles and palaces when I lived in Portgual!

  2. The funny thing is that it's very close my house, no more than 20 minutes by bus! I passed in front of time thousands of times and never managed to get in.

  3. Rosanna! That is a most beautiful palazzo. I love the marble parquet floors and the chandeliers are magnificent! We have nothing like that here. You are so lucky! I'm happy that you finally went to see it.

  4. Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your tour. Your photos are wonderful.

  5. Yes, thank you for sharing. I love that isometric cube tile floor!

  6. Rosanna, WOW! Did you have a great time? The exterior made me think of "The Age of Innocence", the movie with Michelle Pfeiffer, Winona Ryder and Daniel Day Lewis. Although it was set in New York, the last scene was of Paris. I often wished I can see the interior of where Michelle Pfeiffer's character eventually resided. Martin Scorsese is Italian (although born in NY), he must be very influenced by how palazzos are done. Thanks for sharing, Rosanna!

  7. I was looking at your fabulous photos and got to the last one and said...Wow, wonderful chandelier...then I read you posting!!! Seems like you know me so well! Thanks Rosanna.

    Kindest Regards, Linda x

  8. What a beautiful palace, love the outsite of the building. The chandelier is sooooo beautiful! How many glass beads and drops will be processed in.........
    Thank you for charing Rosanna!
    * marlies

  9. What a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing this with us Rosanna.

  10. Oh Rosanna, How wonderful to live in a country with such spectacular history!

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