venerdì 1 maggio 2009


Chi non vorrebbe essere come lei?
Audrey è un'icona, un mito, una leggenda. Assolutamente inimitabile ma così piacevole da guardare e riguardare nei suoi film.
La cosa più incredibile, secondo me, è che pur sembrando assolutamente perfetta sia così amata dalle donne.
Perbacco, dovremmo odiarla, è un traguardo irragiungibile e invece... non possiamo fare a meno di ammirarla incondizionatamente.
L'unico modo che ho per tentare di assomigliarle è la preparazione del soufflè, vi ricordate Sabrina?
Anzi, forse sono più brava io e questa è una soddisfazione ;o))

40 gr burro
40 gr farina
300 ml latte
4 uova
50 gr parmigiano
50 gr ennemthal
100 gr prosciutto cotto
sale, pepe, burro, pangrattato

Preparare una besciamella con il latte, il burro e la farina.
Quando è pronta unirvi i formaggi tritati e il prosciutto a dadini. Unire sale e pepe a piacere.
Unire i tuorli uno per volta, mescolando bene per amalgamarli al composto.
Unire gli albumi montati a neve molto soda e versare il composto in uno stampo imburrato da 14/15 cm e coperto di pangrattato.
Fate attenzione a lasciare puliti 2 cm dal bordo per formare il camino altrimenti il soufflè non monterà.
Cuocere in forno a 165° per 35/40 min.
Mangiatelo appena sfornato.
Il mio non è altissimo perchè purtroppo il mio stampo è troppo largo.


Who would not love to be like her?
Audrey is an icon, a myth, a legend. Absolutely inimitable and yet so pleasant to look over and over in her movies.
The most incredible thing, to me, is how much she is loved by women even though she looks near to perfection.
My goodness, we should hate her, she is an unarrivable goal and yet... we cannot avoid to unconditionnally admire her.
The only mean I have to be a bit like her is to prepare a soufflè, do you remenber Sabrina?
Well, may be I'm even better than she was and that's a satifaction ;o))

40 gr butter
40 gr flour
300 ml milk
4 eggs
50 gr parmesean cheese
50 gr emmenthal
100 gr ham
sal, pepper, butter, grated bread

Prepare a bechamel sauce with milk, flour and butter.
When cooked mix in the grated cheese and the coarsely chopped ham. Season with salt and pepper.
Add the yolks, one by one, stirring well before adding the new one.
Add the whites wisked until they form very stiff picks and pour the batter in a ceramic mould ( 14/15 cm) buttered and covered with grated bread.
Pay attention to leave a clean border of at least 2 cm to make the socalled chimney and allow the soufflè to rise.
Cook in oven at a 165° for 35/40 minutes.
Eat it immediately out of the oven.
Mine is not that tall because my mould was too large.

7 commenti:

  1. Like you, I admire Audrey! A classy lady!! Thank you for the receipe, Rosanna, although I don't know that I have the nerve to try it, LOL, I'm not much of a cook!!! If it weren't for my husband doing all the cooking, I'd never eat, well good home cooking that is! :)

  2. Rosanna your Souffle looks wonderful.

  3. I'm not a verry well cook, thanks for the receipe. It looks verry yummie!
    * marlies

  4. Audrey is indeed beautiful but that souffle is even more so...I am hungry for it now :-)

  5. Oh send some over Rosanna! I don't much like souffle but I guess I will try yours because you know it look kind of, very delicious!;) Let me tell you, when I saw your pic of Audrey, I thought wow, another great pic of Rosanna (remember the one of you with Matteo on the piano?)

  6. Your soufflé IS HIGH enough!! And looks delicious too :-)

  7. Rosanna, it looks so delicious!!!
    Thanks for the sharing it!!!
