giovedì 7 maggio 2009


Dopo SOLO 34 giorni dalla spedizione è arrivato a casa mia lo splendido, fantastico vaso che Linda mi aveva spedito.
Insieme c'era il suo fratellino, il portacandele più carino che abbia mai visto.
Sono davvero felice di queste meraviglie che, per ora, alloggeranno nel cassetto del tipografo e poi troveranno una dimora più adeguata.
Sono però furiosa con le Poste e la Dogana che mi fatto aspettare così tanto e mi ha fatto pagare €11.59 di tasse e diritti doganali !!! un vero furto.
Sappiate però che, se sulla dichiarazione doganale viene scritto un valore inferiore a €22.00, non si paga nulla.
Ricordatelo in caso di futuri swap fuori dalla Comunità Europea.

After ONLY 34 days the  wonderful, beautiful vase that Linda sent me has arrived home.
Along with it there was its little brother, the sweetest candle holder I have ever seen.
I am truly happy of these wonders which, up to now, will take place in the type drawer and eventually they'll have a more proper accomodation.
I'm raging against Mail and Custom Office which have made me wait so long and that have made me pay € 11.59 = $15.00 of taxes and duties !!! a real robbery.
Anyway you have to know that, if you write a value lower than  €22.00, on the Custom label, than you do not have to pay anything at all.
Remember that in case of future swaps out of European Community.

12 commenti:

  1. Oh, Rosanna, that vase and candle holder are divine! I agree, that is highway robbery. When mailing from the U.S. to other countries my post ofifce told me that if it's under a certain weight (and I can't remember what it is) that we do not need to put a customs label on the package which I have done the last couple of times and they've arrived pretty quickly.

  2. So wonderful Rosanna. I hope you get mine soon. They made me put a customs label on it or I couldn't send. Maybe I should send 1 piece at a time and you would get it faster? Marsha mailed hers after I mailed mine. Mini hugs!

  3. Rosanna glad you finally received your Vase.. What a wait that was.

  4. Rosanna, I have on award for this blog waiting for you on my own blog. Come pick it up anytime :)

  5. Wow! That is a lot to pay. They are pretty.

  6. Your treasures look like they were worth the wait!

  7. These little eyecandies are much better in real life than in pic, especially my pic. They are really incredibly beautiful

  8. I have never heard such an 'out-rage' is a disgrace that they do this to you...I sent pieces to South Africa,Netherlands, USA etc..and I believe no-one else had this problem. Then as for the time it took to get to you...the piece I sent to the Netherlands was received in SIX DAYS!!!! I just don't understand!!!
    BUT....I am so pleased that you like them!!


  9. They are so beautiful, our customs is the same in Canada.

    Mini Hugs, Jean

  10. That package of mine that the customs made you pay for was valued way lower than that. Your customs officers are just criminals! It's just not fair. I asked at the post office here if I had to write a value on the labels and they said yes I had to. It's just not fair!

  11. What a crime that is to let you pay. I did get mine verry fast and did not have any problems.
    But your vase and candelier are gorgious!
    * marlies

  12. I don't understand but swaps are gifts no? So I always put gifts and have no value (although i think they are priceless ;D)? In Singapore, we pay when the value is over S$300.

    The pieces will fit into your pink room :)
