sabato 20 giugno 2009


Miei cari, non ci vedremo per un paio di giorni.
Oggi lavorerò tutto il giorno e appena uscita dal negozio mi fionderò sul treno.
Non vedo l'ora anche se è proprio una pazzia.
Auguratemi buon viaggio e buon divertimento: vi penserò.
My dear friends, we shall not see each other for a couple of days.
Today I shall work all day and at soon as it is finished I shall hop on the train.
I really cannot look forward to it even though it is a mad thing to do.
Wish me a nice travel and lot of fun: I shall think of you.

9 commenti:

  1. Rosanna, have a WONDERFUL time!

    One weekend MANY MANY years ago a girlfriend and I hopped on the plane out of San Francisco, flew to Hawaii, and returned Monday morning around 7:00 a.m. and went straight to work!

    Enjoy!! Show us all your mini treasures on your return!

    Hugs, Marsha

  2. Have a great trip Rosanna!!! We will miss you. Have fun!

  3. Have a very safe and happy trip and hope you have a great weekend.

  4. It's trips like this that we will remember forever! Think Casa Rosa, when you shop please. I want to see more soon :)

  5. Have a great weekend and a lot of fun!!!!!

    Love Sylvia

  6. Have fun on your big adventure! Can't wait to see your goodies!

  7. che meraviglia BRAVA!!!
    Già ti immagino sul treno tutta sorridente e felice che viaggi veloce verso Paris!!!
    Aspetto tue notizie buon week end!

  8. Have a wonderful Time Rosanna. I'm sure your see some wonderful miniatures. Can't wait to hear about your adventure..xx

  9. Oh my goodness, you lucky, lucky girl! Enjoy it for all of us!
