venerdì 31 luglio 2009


§ Ho finito di ricamare cuscini e copriteiere e non sapevo se continuare a lavorare o fare un po' di pausa.
Ma Linda molto gentilmente mi ha mandato gli schemi per queste favolose ciabattine. Come fare a resistere?
Molto presto le vedrete finite.
Spero solo di essere all'altezza di Bobbie Schoonmaker di Micro Stitchery. Potete trovare il link nel mio elenco.
slippers and scuffs

§ I have finished to stitch pillows and cozies and I was not sure if I wanted to take a break or to go on working.
But Linda has kindly sent to me the patterns for these delightful slippers and scuffs. How could I resist?
You'll see them finished very soon.
I only hope they will be good enough to stand beside Bobbie Schoonmaker of Micro Stitchery. You can find the link in my list.

9 commenti:

  1. Wow - they almost look like they are beaded with a thousand tiny beads! Beautiful! -ara

  2. Rosanna, Bobbie has nothing on you! Your slippers and scuffs are wonderful! Great work, as usual!

  3. Rossana, preciosas las zapatillas, felicidades

  4. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  5. My dearest, these are Bobbie's ones !!!Let me some time and you will judge !

  6. Oops! I miss read the entry! I will still say it. When I see all of your cozies and pillows they are as good, if not better than Bobbie's!

  7. I am so proud of you , Rosanna and of me, for knowing you! If you start these slippers, you may never be able to go back to pillows again! Because the whole world will want them!!MY god, I can't imagine 14 colours on a tiny strip like that! Ara is right about it looking like beaded slippers.Very expensive here and they usually end up in museums.

  8. Looking forward to seeing your little slippers Rosanna.

  9. Thjose slippers are beautiful. Nice work!
