sabato 12 settembre 2009


§ Oggi è arrivato il catalogo Ikea.
Ognuno può pensarne ciò che vuole ma a me Ikea piace.
Ho avuto la necessità di comprare la cucina da loro e ho trovato più professionalità e disponibilità di quanto ne abbia mai trovato in mobilifici di ben altro livello.
Ma non era questo che volevo dirvi.
Guardate la copertina, non sembra una casa delle bambole?

§ Today I received Ikea catalogue.
Everyone is free to think what they want but I like Ikea.
I had to buy the kithen from them and I found more professionalism and helpfulness than I had ever found in much higher level shops.
But this is not what I wanted to tell you.
Look a the cover: doesn't it look like a doll house?

13 commenti:

  1. ....this is exactly why I missed you so much...!!!

  2. Yes! It does look like a dollhouse!
    Their furniture is simple enough to copy for miniatures too...
    I still haven't tried to find the fabric I'll need for mini stitching.
    When I realized that it would be twice as small as what I have, I'm not sure I can do it!? I'll need a much larger magnifying light for sure!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Blessings, Kathi

  3. I was just at IKEA last weekend!

    There was a vendor at Anaheim who had these acrylic boxes that are wonderful for displaying miniaturs and settings in them and mini modernistas made rooms inside one of his boxes, reminded me of IKEA!


  4. Yes it is true!! I have it too and I was thinking the same about the cover!! :)

  5. adoro l'ikea!!
    In effetti hai ragione...sembra un po' la casa delle bambole...ho ricevuto anche io il mio ma non ci avevo fatto caso (la tua sarà deformazione "professionale"?)
    buon week end

  6. It does look like a dollhouse. I have never been to an Ikea store - I think the closest one is approx. 200 miles away. I have heard good and bad about their merchandise. Have a great weekend.

  7. Hi
    Looks so fun. Wish they sold miniatures too. I love Ikea:)

  8. ikea is wonderful. We all love it here. Cool cover. I always see thing in miniature. It does look like a awesome dollhouse. :)

  9. I was just looking at my Ikea catalog today! Marsha and I went there recently-- I bought some wonderful pillows. I love Ikea!

  10. I thought it was a dollhouse and wondered why the one in Singapore never sells any of this!! :) I used to be a huuuuge Ikea fan and still go there for small items. In Singapore, all university students who live away from home, go to Ikea to furnish our rooms. They are cheap and functional and contemporary, although their furniture don't last. So Ikea is a rite of passage for us. Great cover, always love their ads.

  11. Ciao Rosanna!
    Mi piace molto la tua casa delle bambole!
    I have a dollshouse too, but I'm not very good for doing things like you.

  12. Non dirlo a non fosse per IKEA avrei vissuto i miei primi anni da sola senza cucina e camera da letto!!!
    Adoro tutto di Ikea, tranne i nomi dei loro prodotti che sono per me impronunciabili.
    Baci baci

  13. Sadly there is no Ikea in New Zealand. When I go to Sydney or Melbourne a trip to Ikea is always my first priority. I am an expert at finding a train or tram to ikea in those places!
