martedì 15 dicembre 2009

il regalo di Stephanie - Stephanie's gift

§ Sono stata brava !
Oggi ho ricevuto il regalo di Stephanie e NON l'ho aperto.
Mi sarei sentita in colpa dopo aver detto a tutte di non farlo prima della Vigilia.
Grazie Stephanie.
Buona serata a tutte.

§ I have been a good girl !
Today I received Stephanie's gift and I did NOT open it.
I should have felt guilty after having warned everybody not to do it before Christmas Eve.
Thank you Stephanie.
Good evening to everyone.

14 commenti:

  1. Beh, sei stata brava a non aprirlo!!! Altrimenti daresti il là a tutte noi per aprire i nostri e sarebbe un pasticcio.
    Un bacione

  2. io ho ricevuto il mio da settimane e ancora resisto....
    mai come quest'anno non vedo l'ora che arrivi Natale!!!!!!!!!
    buona serata anche a te

  3. I can't wait!

    OPEN IT!

    OPEN IT!

    giggles :)

  4. Oooo I wonder whats in it!??? Can you really wait for so long?? 8)
    * marlies

  5. What???? Not even a tiny peak and then tie it all back up?
    I haven't recieved my 'swap' yet, so luckily I do not have that temptation!!

    Linda x

  6. ..Are You sure that we´re all going to wait, it´s a lot of people you know...;-)

  7. Ooops! I somehow missed the part about not opening it before Christmas! How can you wait?!

  8. Good girl Rosanna....but I know how difficult it is...the gift Kim has sent me is staring at me for almost 2 weeks now....I'm so curious,but I will wait for Christmas!

    I wonder if Susan will get her on time?They told me the postal services in Singapore are very is almost 2 weeks now I have sent it?

  9. Good Girl Rosanna.. I also have a gift from Nikki that I'm not allowed to open until Christmas Day..The suspense of it sitting there. xx

  10. He He its a frustrating feeling, but a pleasant one to have to wait. Mine is under the tree, still caliing in Christels calm voice 'Kate open me , open me!!!!!!!!' Kate xxx

  11. O dear o dear, will mine reach Paola in time ! Sorry to hijack your comment box but I just read what Sabiha wrote. Wow, Sabiha, you sent it 2 weeks ago? I have received some parcels from Norway and the US which were sent last week today but no parcel from you yet. I will email you!

  12. Certo hai stato molto brava, è difficile di fare, non so si io sarevo capece di farlo, non vedo l'ora di che li aprite tutte e mostrate le photo. Buon pomeriggio

  13. :D I'm the only one who knows what's inside ^^

    I'm proud of you! You can keep it closed until xmas ;)

  14. Good girl!!
    I have received mine from Debie this week...and it is so tough...but I will wait...until the 24th
    Merry Christmas Rosanna!
