sabato 23 gennaio 2010

Blog candy

§ 56 partecipanti !!!! e 23 nuovi lettori da quando ho lanciato il blog candy ! Mi sembra incredibile.
Grazie a tutte voi soprattutto alle Italiane che finalmente si sono fatte vive.
§ 56 of you !!!! and 23 new followers since I launched the blog candy ! It seems incredible.
Thank you very much to you all , especially to the Italians who have shown themselves at last.

§ Tutti i nomi sono stati debitamente trascritti su striscioline di carta, piegati con cura e tutti i biglietti sono finiti nella mia bella tazza blu. Poi Walter ha estratto il nome.....
§ All the names have been written on paper strips, carefully folded and all the tickets have gone inside my pretty blu mug. Then Walter has drawn the name....Aggiungi immagine**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
********************************** and the winner is ........

§ Io e Walter ci siamo messi a ridere come matti .... Sans sa perchè !
Congratulazioni Sans.
Non posso ancora mostrarti il tuo premio perchè devo personalizzarlo ma lo vedrai presto.

§ Walter and I started laughing like crazy .... Sans knows why !
Congratulations Sans.
I cannot show you your prize yet because I have to customize it but you'll see it soon.

18 commenti:

  1. Wow!!! Congratulation Susan....You have win another time!!! It is wonderful!! Congratulations my dear.
    And thanks Rosanna for the chance to play.
    Un bacio

  2. Cogratulations Susan!!!
    I shall look forward to seeing what you recieve...I'm sure it shall be wonderful!

    Thanks Rosanna...this was fun!

    Linda x

  3. Your gifts are so precious Rosanna. I am not surprised that you had so many participating and so many new followers too!
    Congratulations to Sans! She will be very pleased, I'm sure!

  4. I am sure all the people here will know exactly how thrilled I am , Rosanna because they all love your work! I am a little (ok, quite a lot) superstitious and read my fortune every start of the year. It tells me that I am going to have a very very good year n 2010! Although my rewards may not be immediate ! hahaha! Is that not true now? I can't believe Walter picked my name! Walter, 10000 mini hugs and kisses flying to you! Don't feel left out, Rosanna, here's a million more to you!
    And thanks for all the congratulations!

  5. Congratulations to Sans! (Sans, do send some of your luck my way... )

    Now I can't wait to see what she won Rosanna!

  6. Congratulations Sans! Thank you Rosanna for the wonderful giveaway. I can't wait to see what you made. Hugs~ Kim

  7. I love your work and your blog. It is beautiful.

  8. Many Congratulations to Susan. Looking forward to seeing your creation for her Rosanna..xx

  9. Congratulazioni alla vincitrice... ! Alla prossima :)

  10. Congratulations Susan! Can't wait to see what rosanna has in mind for you?

    Thanks Rosanna for being always so toughtfull!


  11. congratulazioni alla fortunata! ;)
    A presto, Sissi

  12. Congratulations, Sans! ... And congratulations, ROSANNA! You have won my very first giveaway! I am so excited you won! Please send your mailing information to stampijill(at)

  13. Congratulations Sans e cumplimenti per te Rosanna per questa bella idea, sono impaciente per sapere che sarà. Un bacione per tutti

  14. ...I cannot believe I have missed frustrating. I have been so busy with the French week and now OWOH, that I have missed about 3 miniaturists giveaways so far...
    Nevr mind.
    I was pleased to see your name in my giveaway Rosanna!

  15. Ciao, scusa l'intrusione, volevo segnalarti che ho citato il tuo link su un mio articolo, se ti fa piacere guarda qui:
