giovedì 25 febbraio 2010

Primavera - Spring

§ Probabilmente il clima freddo ed umido dei giorni scorsi ha influenzato il mio umore e mi ha fatto venire una gran voglia di Primavera.
Così quando ho visto questa minuscola meraviglia sul sito di Loredana non ho potuto resistere.
Oggi a casa mia è arrivato uno spicchio di bel tempo, un soffio di profumo e tutto il colore delle rose.
§ Most probably the moist and cold weather of the last days has influenced my mood and made me yearn for Spring.
When I saw this tiny wonder at Loredana's site I could not help myself.
Today at my home has arrived a patch of nice weather, a blow of perfume and all the colour of roses.
§ Rose e primule : cosa chiedere di più ?
§ Roses and primroses : who could ask for more ?
§ E pois rossi.... così allegri e teneri
§ And red dots.... so merry and cute
§ Un mazzolino da bimba anche se bimbe non siamo più
§ A child posy even though we are not children any more
§ Si troverà benissimo in compagnia delle sue sorelline
§ She will be happy among with her little sisters

25 commenti:

  1. Oh how sweet! I can see why it was irresistable :)

  2. It is such a pretty piece, it remind me so much of Spring also! You have a wonderful collection of tea-pots.

    Linda x

  3. Very Cute little Teapots Rosanna.
    The Spring one is very pretty. xx

  4. You have such a sweet collection Rosanna! And the new addition is very cute. Spring is in the air...

  5. Rosanna, the tea pots are beautiful. Love the dots and roses to match. Perfect!

  6. È bellisimo si che si sente il arribo di la primavera guardando questo. Cumplimenti anche per tutte le tettiere che hai sono carissime. Baci

  7. How sweet is this little teapot. I agree with Linda, you have a wonderful collection of teapots!


  8. Sooo pretty, your new teapot will be lovely with your gorgoeus collection of teapots.
    Julia xx

  9. Such a beautiful little teapot arrangement and such a lovely collection! I am envious!


  10. ma che bello! Sà proprio di primavera... non vedo l'ora ;)

  11. oh! che carina!!!! e che bella collezione!
    anche io non vedo l'ora arrivi la primavera, sono stufa di pioggia e freddo...
    buona giornata, Caterina

  12. sono senza parole è bellissima... complimenti sinceri per tanta bravura

  13. Molto primaverile e gioiosa!!!!
    Hai avuto una bella idea, un pò di colore non guasta mai.
    Un salutone

  14. This is pretty! Bellissima!
    The rest of your collection is pretty cute too.
    LL Natalina

  15. So lovely Rosanna. I love all the little tea pots. They look perfect in the hutch. I'm so in the mood for Spring too! Hugs~ Kim

  16. Rosanna is lovely and here in Spain we also hope to have Spring soon, after so much rain!!!
    Don't know why it look so Andalucian to me!! red dots!!!
    Warm regards,

  17. Hi there, there's an award waiting for you in my blog, have a wonderful weekend,


  18. ma che carine le tue teierine !!!!
    un bacio

  19. The new teapot is quite spectacular! But they're all beautiful!
    Whenever Liberty sees a teapot at the shops she says, "Rosanna would really like that wouldn't she mum"!

  20. Hi Rosanna,
    I have left the Kreativ Bloggers Award for you on my blog.
    Julia xx

  21. Sometimes I click on the link following the post and find my self several hours later, tangled into a whole nest of different sites and stuff......sorry I forgot to comment the wonderful little cute and filled with promising of spring!!!

  22. O my, I just read Mercedes' comments and Rosanna, we all have become little Liberties :). Whenever MarG, FaiZ and I pass by anything teapotty, we go, "oh, how Rosanna!!" "Rosanna will love this" "Sooooo Rosanna :):)"

    This one, like the rest is so very you! Adorable !
