domenica 23 maggio 2010

strizza da Simp - Simp fright

§ Ormai il Simp è alle porte e, mannaggia a me, comincio ad agitarmi.
Non ci sarebbe assolutamente il motivo; in fondo posso considerarlo come la possibilità di trascorrere due giorni di vacanza con una cara amica.
Ma tant'è....
In più ho un grosso complesso di inferiorità.
I miei lavori, al momento sono 48 pezzi, stanno in una tasca !!!!
Una espositrice di lungo corso ha cercato di rassicurarmi dicendo che non è importante la quantità bensì la qualità.
Bel discorso, ma se poi non piacciono ? Ho dedicato ore e ore di lavoro a questi mini cosi e vorrei che strappassero un sorriso.

§ Simp is already at the door and, darn me, I begin to worry about it.
There wouldn't absolutely be reason for it ; after all I can always consider it as the chance of spending a couple days of holiday with a dear friend.
But anyway.....
More over I have an huge inferiority complex.
My works, at the moment there are 48 of them, can be kept in one pocket !!!
A long term expositor tried to cheer me up saying that quality is important, not quantity.
Nice speech, but what if nobody likes them ? I devoted hours and hours of work to these mini thingies and I'd like them to bring up a smile.
§ In più c'è un altro problema: il tavolo.
Non è enorme, 85x85 cm, ma paragonato ai miei copriteiera è il deserto del Sahara.
Da questo nasce la necessità di riempirlo.
Così ieri notte ho costruito uno stand. E' pieghevole, di cartone e carta riciclata ( Mercedes, non ho comprato niente, avevo tutto in casa ^ _^) per poterlo mettere in un trolley.
§ And then there is another problem: the table.
It isn't huge, 85x85 cm, but compared to my T-cozies it's the Sahara desert.
Hence the necessity of filling it.
Yesterday night I built up a stand. It's foldable, made in cardboard and recicled paper ( Mercedes, I did not buy anything, I had everything at home ^_^) to place it in the trolley.
§ Sopra ci saranno il mio lettino rosa, con i nuovi cuscini ricamati e la meravigliosa panca di Sylvia che mi ha ispirato due cuscini che adoro e che mi hanno tenuta impegnata per un totale di circa 23 ore, arghhh!
§ On top of it will be my little pink bed, with its new stitched pillows, and the wonderful bench by Sylvia which inspired me two pillows which I love and which have kept me busy for nearly 23 hours, arghhh!
§ Ne costruirò un altro, più basso, su cui troverà posto un tavolo con le sue seggioline.
I'll build a new one, lower in size, on which a table with its chairs will take place.

§ Queste sono le ultime novità ; Buona Domenica a tutti.
These are the latest news ; Happy Sunday to you all.

34 commenti:

  1. I'm sure you won't need to worry. Your tea cozies are stunning and will sell like hotcakes!

  2. I also believe..."Quality above quantity"!!! Your work shall be highly sort after and treasured can always have your 'order book' ready...?

    Linda x

    ...I know you are soooo busy, but it is nice to see you back in 'blogland'!

  3. Sai cara, sono d'accordo con la tua amica: i lavori di ricamo necessitano di tempo e dedizione e ciò che più si apprezza è la qualità di ogni singolo lavoro. Pensa che ho un'amica che ricama le camiciole da donna per il costume sardo e spesso nella vetrina del suo negozio ce n'è solo una: un anno di lavoro, 1000 euro!
    Lo stand che hai preparato è molto carino, mi piace :-)
    Perchè per riempire il tavolo non prepari dei mini cavalletti in cartoncino con foto di tuoi altri lavori? Un po' come quando sul blog si inseriscono le foto ai lati...

  4. Rosanna,i tuoi lavori sono cosi' belli che gia' da soli fanno un un figurone!Lo stand è una chicca in piu'per mostrare alloggiati(non so se dice cosi')i tuoi lavori.....vai tranquilla e vento in poppa!Sei bravissima!
    Un Bacio

  5. Rosanna, your Tea Cozies and Cushions are beautiful and I have to agree. Its Quality not Quantity that counts. xxxx

  6. Rosanna, i tuoi ricami sono così preziosi che valgono molto di più di un tavolo pieno di "cineserie"....
    Vai tranquilla, per esserela prima volta vedo che ti stai organizzando bene, io al posto tuo sarei già morta di paura!! e poi come dici tu, se non altro trascorrerai un paio di giorni in piacevole compagnia, magari potessi venirci anche io!!!
    il tuo tavolo, anche se piccolo farà un figurone!
    In bocca al lupo e vendi tutto, mi raccomando!!!!!!!!
    poi, se ti dovesse avanzare qualcosa (ma non credo)potresti sempre vendere su Ebay, o magari organizzare un bel "give away".... IH IH IH!!
    baci, e buona domenica, Caterina

  7. Dear Rosanna!
    Your things are so beautiful, and I am sure, that people that visits the fair will have the same good taste as we have in blogland ;-)People will love and cherish your work there too!
    I wish, I could be there and say hello to you..
    Love, Susanne

  8. Even if you just have a few things I know they will be snatched up in no time! Your work is incredibly detailed and beautiful!
    Thanks again for the lovely little gifts you sent me for Christmas. They are precious.

  9. The only thing that you must worry about is that you will be sold out in one hour (LOL)
    Everybody loves your work, so don't worry!!!!

  10. Dear Rosanna, I heartily agree with all that has been commented so far. Your tea cozies and pillows are exqusitely beautiful and so very well need not worry about quantity. Using your beautiful furniture on the little risers to display them will show them off to their best and it is likely you will not return home with any of them. I think they have a universal appeal, no matter what "genre" the miniaturist is working in. Bring some pictures and your order book, yes, but also bring a work or two "in progress so you can chat with customers and show them how the work is done. I find that those buying love to talk to the artist about their work.


  11. Like the others already said, you don't have a thing to worry about, I bet you'll be sold out in the first hours :)


  12. Rosanna, I know how scarey it is, your first show, but you are so very TALENTED Rosanna and your workmanship is exquisite. You will come home empty handed and with lots of orders!! I know it!

    I understand the table issue too. Do you have a small vignette scene displaying some of your work? You can place that on the table. A light or lamp, a photo album of previous items you have made, business cards.

    You are going to be very busy after the show filling your orders!


  13. It is impossible that someone does not love your work. i am totally sure that you will sell a lot. Your work is really pretty and high quality dear Rosanna.
    You stand will look wonderful!!

  14. Ciao, vedi il lato positivo della cosa: sta tutto in un trolley!!!
    Io quando vado a fare i miei mercatini non ho mai spazio a sufficienza e a volte invidio che ha le cose piccole!
    Complimenti, hai fatto delle cose meravigliose, come si puo' dire che non piacciono?
    In bocca al lupo

  15. Rosanna,don't be afraid,everybody will love your cushions and tea cozies,they are really outstanding works.And quantity is never that what people will remember for the next fair ;-)!Hugs,Jeannette

  16. Rosanna!!! Your cross stitch work is more than lovely and so well done!!! I now that!!!
    Please don't worry.. they will all
    blow from your hands in seconds!!
    I now the time needed to make some minis but your are outstanding!!!

  17. So Simp fright Rosanna Your work is lovely and I think it must be so easy not it have to pack a bunch of bigger things. So much less to worry about. I would have lots of smiles if only I could visit your table. Enjoy yourself sweetie. Your work is a dream Yes and you can take lots of orders. Hugs~ Kim

  18. Good girl making the stand without buying anything!
    I'm sure everything will sell very quickly and you'll get many orders!

  19. Your stand will look superb Rosanna and your amazing stitcheries will certainly be popular.

  20. Sorry for being so late, but I agree with the choir;
    NO WORRIES.....The tea cosys are a success, and you will be sold out in no time!!!!! And yes, bring your ordering book, I am convinced it will be filled with orders!!!!!!
    The stand loks so lovely too:)))))))))
    Now; lower your shoulders, breath slowly and smile:)))))))
    I am counting the days until SIMP, and your tea cosys are one of the things I am so looking forward to see!!
    And YOU of course sweet girl!!!!
    Synnøve xx

  21. Sarà perchè io sono una persona che guarda più al contenuto che alle apparenze, ma ti assicuro che i tuoi lavori, fassero anche due o tre, non mi lascerebbero certo indifferente.

    Un bacio♥


  22. You must not worry! All will be fine i promise.
    I was a nervous wreck for KDF and must have seemed like a mad woman for the first few hours.
    But just takes lots of deep breaths and enjoy having your table of work on display.
    You will be a sell out because your work is beautiful and very well made.
    Your table is a little smaller than the one i had, so i think will be nice for your tiny items. Plus you would not want smaller because you need room to move about and hide drinks and other things.
    I love your little stand too, thats a nice idea.
    Lots of love and hope you enjoy the show too.
    Nikki xxx

  23. You shouldn't worry, your work is beautiful and I like the way you're going to show it.
    How right "quality above quantity" is.
    You'll see it will be a great day.

  24. Rosanna, I feel your SIMP jitters!!!

    I know I am one of those who told you from as early as a month ago that you will sell out and that you must do a catalogue etc and I now a million people will tell you how wonderful your cosies are and you will still never be sure until everything is gone in 60 seconds!!:)

    I tell you when my sister SuZ did her 1st exhibition in a trade fair almost 15 years ago, she also only had like cushion covers. 2-3 patterns in many they got their 1st order for like 2 of the cushions, they were jumping up and down like kids.

    She sometimes think back to those days with yearning. How simple it was to be happy then :):). You must treasure every minute of this SIMP. You will never forget , no matter what happened. I wished I am your 1st customer, then you must frame my money and never spend it, for luck ..hahaha :).

  25. Dear Rosanna, do not worry at all, your work is just fantastic!
    Just like Sylvia said I think you will be sold out in one hour too and you will go home with a very long list with all new orders!

    I'm very excited to meet you too,I am counting the days!


  26. You don't need to worry as you can feel very confident that your work is beautiful! I was very nervous my first show and was behind the table, and my husband did all the talking! I have now started to talk, explain my miniatures and enjoy everything. My tip for you is to do this too. It's hard to show your work, but yours is incredible and people will love to talk to you about it. :)

  27. Cara Ro, sono talmente belli che non ci sono parole per descriverli! Un bacio e in bocca al lupo anche se non credo ce ne sia bisogno!

  28. Rosanna, I am coming from Edinburgh, Scotland to SIMP (and to visit my son who is training in Paris) and I would love to buy one of your tea cosies or cushions, I hope for one with La Gallinella? I hope you will love your experience and nerves will not spoil it. Good things come in small doses as we say. Jackie

  29. Not to worry Rosanna. Your work is so wonderful. I am sure so many will like it. Hope we are staying close to each other so we can chat;)

  30. Sono convinta che i tuoi lavori verranno apprezzati. Sono veramente belli. È da un po' che seguo il tuo blog e voglio farti i complimenti più sentiti per quello che fai. Un in bocca al lupo per la riuscita

  31. Sono un amore! Sono carinissimi! Io faccio il tifo per te! :D

  32. Yours things are very nice. I wish you very luck to SIMP.

  33. People who see your work will instantly see the quality! You want clients how are picky and are willing to spend the money for truly beautiful pieces. I love that you are going to display everything on furniture. People will be able to picture your work in their own projects!! hugs, ara

  34. Hey Rosanna,

    Deine Minis sind so wunderbar... Du bringst bestimmt nichts mehr von der Messe mit nach Hause. Nur keine Minderwertigkeitsgefühle aufkommen lassen... und ich drücke Dir fest die Daumen.

    Liebe Grüße an Dich PuNo/Monika
