mercoledì 16 giugno 2010 parte !!!!

Tutti si preparano e scrivono.... manco solo io ?!
E allora eccomi qua, pronta o quasi ^_^
Nella foto potete ammirare la splendida chiesa del Sacro Cuore sulla collina di Montmartre dove Roberta ed io incontreremo Sylvia e Sabiha. La sera, per la cena, si uniranno a noi anche Christel e Synnove.
Mi sembra di essere nel favoloso mondo di Amelie !!
Adoro la blogsfera !
Everybody packs and I the only missing ?!
Then here I am, ready or nearly so ^_^
In the pic you can admire the splendid church of Sacre Coeur on Montmartre hill where Roberta and I shall meet Sylvia and Sabiha. At evening Christel and Synnove will join us for dinner.
It's like being in Amelie's fabulous world !!!
I love blogsphere !

22 commenti:

  1. Now that would be a dinner party I'd love to sit with! Sounds amazing!!!

  2. Please give every one a big hug from me! I know you will all have a fabulous time....I'm a bit (a lot) envious!!!

    Linda x

  3. How right you are Katie - can you imagine the combine creative brain power at that table! :)

    Have a safe trip, a successful sales table, and a fabulous meeting with friends. I've been to Sacre Coeur so I will imagine you there, delighted to see each other, and gazing excitedly over the roof tops of Paris. It is my dream to join you someday!!

  4. Have a great time and enjoy it!! I am sure that will be a succes!
    Good luck my dear

  5. I'm sure you will have a lovely time. Wish I could be there. Many mini hugs~ Kim

  6. Have a nice time Rosanna,wish you much luck for the fair!!!Hugs,Jeannette

  7. I hope that you will have a wonderful holiday in Paris and a very successful fair (well, there's no doubt about it :) )


  8. Oh, che bello... Quanto mi sarebbe piaciuto partecipare a un evento simile! Sembra incredibile che vi incontriate davvero!
    Ti affido il mio abbraccio: nonostante sia l'ultima arrivata, sono già affezionata a tutte :-)
    Bon voyage, Flora

  9. I'm late i know but good luck for the fair and have a lovely time meeting everyone too!
    Nikki xxx

  10. Ciao cara, non so bene quale sia il motivo del vostro incontro ma la tua emozione è contagiosa!
    Sono sempre felice della gioia altrui !

    Vuoi passare da me ad assaggiare una fetta di torta?

    Un bacione grande!♥


  11. Wow Rosanna it's going to be a great get together!!! I wish you a safety trip and lot of fun with friends!!!
    Hugs for you and all of them!!!

  12. One of these SIMP parties , I will be there :):). In the meantime, send my hugs and kisses !

    Now what was the phrase you use? In cul...balena? Haha. I remembered of course but maybe too rude for comment box.

    So break a leg!! And see if you can keep us posted!

  13. Ciao dolcissima, grazie x la tua tempestiva visita, ti ho risposto di là da me!!!

    Un bacio grande grande!♥


  14. You will have a great time.
    See you on Sunday.

  15. Wishing you all every success Rosanna. I hope you have a wonderful time and a sell out show.Give my best wishes to all the other Girls.xxxx

  16. Che bello!!!Divertitevi tantissimo!!! :D

  17. Rosanna! Good luck and have a great time! I envy you your time with blog friends. Say "Hi!" to everyone for me!

  18. Ciao Rosanna e buon viaggio. Salutami Parigi :O) Ci sono stata due volte ma mi piacerebbe tornarci in futuro. Chissà. Buona fortuna!!!

  19. che bello questo incontro sulla scalinata del Sacro Cuore!!!
    sono un pochino invidiosa... :)) salutami tutte e in bocca al lupo!!!
    quando torni, spero che ci farai un resoconto completo, vero???
    baci, e buon viaggio

  20. What a fantastic time you're going to have!
    Look forward to seeing some wonderful pics of your time with all the girls!

  21. Good luck! and have a nice time (I am sure you will have...)
    a mini hug

  22. Wow, what a wonderful evening you are going to have! Wish I could be a fly on the wall, or maybe in a drink and here all the conversations. I hope you do fabulously at the show. I would love to buy on of your tea cozies if you have one left over. Mini Hugs, Jean
