martedì 25 gennaio 2011

Irlanda, sii gentile con il mio bambino - Ireland, be kind with my child

§ Oggi abbiamo avuto una bellissima notizia: Matteo è stato accettato per un programma di studio in Irlanda.
§ Today we received a wonderful piece of news: Matteo has been accepted in a exchange program in Ireland.

§ Questo significa che il prossimo autunno Matteo trascorrerà circa 6 mesi accolto da una famiglia
  § This means that during next Autumn Matteo will spend nearly 6 months hosted by an Irish family, going to school and sharing  their lives.

§ Io ne sono felicissima.
Felice per Matteo che vivrà un'esperienza unica.  Emozionata perchè non si è mai allontanato da casa per tempi prolungati.  Intimorita perchè non sappiamo cosa lo aspetta.
Sapremo infatti la sua destinazione solo un mese prima della partenza e non conosceremo la sua nuova "famiglia" fino a quel momento.

§ I am very happy for these news.
Happy for Matteo who will live a unique experience. Thrilled because he has never been out of home for long periods. Worried because we don't know what's ahead of him.
Actually we shall know his destination only one month before his departure and we shall not meet his new "family" till that moment.

§ Ma sono certa che sarà tutto fantastico.
L'Irlanda è un meraviglioso paese e  tutti gli Irlandesi che ho conosciuto erano adorabili e gentili.
Niente potrà andare storto.

§ But I am certain that everything will be fantastic.
Ireland is a wonderful country and all the Irish people whom I ever met were lovely and kind.
Nothing will go wrong.

21 commenti:

  1. I hope your son is happy! My sons have been away from me too many times & I worry so much! But each is a life lesson. It is so hard to let them spread their wings & fly! I think you have probably taught him well to make his own good decisions.

  2. Rosanna, Matteo is a lovely boy, he shall be fine. He must very excited....wish him well from me! It is always hardest on the parents when the children leave home....but you know you have done your very best by him so now it is his turn to travel!

    Linda x

    p.s....they always come back home!!
    p.s.s...I sent a small parcle for you today....keep an eye out for it!

  3. che splendida esperienza!!!
    NO! niente andrà storto!! :))
    in bocca al lupo, e auguri a Matteo!

  4. What a wonderful experience for him.
    I wish him well.
    Enjoy your week.

  5. How exciting and such a wonderful opportunity!!! I look forward to hearing all about his adventure!!


  6. Rosanna, How wonderful for Matteo! When my nephew was in college a few years back he spent 6 months in Grenoble and had the best time. The host families that are involved in these student exchanges are always so wonderful!!

  7. "... il cielo d'Irlanda è Dio che suona la fisarmonica: si apre e si chiude al suono della sua musica..."
    Io sono certa che sarà per voi e per lui una esperienza importante e bellissima: se tutte le strade verso l'emancipazione fossero sovrastate da un cielo così, crescere sarebbe per tutti una passeggiata :-)

  8. Rosanna, try not to worry. Matteo will have a brilliant time in Ireland and what an

  9. Anche io sono andata via quando avevo 17 anni (un anno negli USA con Afs) e come vedi sono tornata indietro sana e salva e ho vissuto un'esperienza indimenticabile! Sono sicura che Matteo godrà ogni singolo istante del suo soggiorno in Irlanda!
    Un abbraccio,

  10. Hi Rosanna. I am Irish and live in Dublin. I can assure you that Matteo will have a fantastic time here!! The friendliness of the Irish is true and we love Italians. Best wishes, Carol :) x

    PS But do make sure he packs a raincoat!

  11. That is wonderful news Rosanna. I live in Ireland, though I am not Irish, and I am sure Ireland's people will be as welcoming to him as to me. I am sure he will be absolutely fine here, though I can understand it must be difficult for parents. But you can always come and visit. Do let me know if he comes to Cork! And congratulations to Matteo!

  12. I am dead sure Matteo will have the experience of his life. People in Ireland are so welcoming and kind.

  13. How wonderful! Congratulations Matthew!!!

  14. Cumplimenti per Matteo, saranno 6 messi di incrdibili esperienze che transcorrerano a la velocità di la luce, Irlanda è un paesse bellisimo, in bocca al lupo, un bacio per tutti

  15. Rosanna, Congratulations, such a fantastic experience that awaits all of you. It will be difficult to let go, but Matteo will come back to you a little older and much wiser!! Best wishes, Alison

  16. Congratulations Matteo! How wonderful! I spent one year in the USA as an exchange student when I was 18 (many years ago;))and it was the best experience of my life. Will you be hosting a student in return Rosanna?

  17. Rosanna, remember this lovely poem by Diane Sibold?

    Children come and gather round
    Be very still, don't make a sound
    This is what I have to say
    Keep it with you every day

    I wish I had the magic touch
    For each of you I love so much
    I'd protect you day and night
    I'd keep you safe within my sight

    But oh so soon this will be
    One by one you'll say to me
    That you must go, to find your way
    Within my sight you cannot stay

    That is why I'll make it clear
    If you need me I'll be here
    Into this world you came through me
    So till the day no more I see
    Remember here you have a home
    Never do you have to roam

    I am sure Matteo will know and look forward to coming home to you after every trip :)

  18. Dear Rosana
    I never knew you had another blog- you certainly have me on your following list for this one.
    I'm sure Mateo will have a great experience!
    All the best

  19. che bella notizia Rosanna!!!
    Sono davvero molto contenta!!!
