domenica 9 gennaio 2011

Marguerites d'Anvers

Questo è diventato un lavoro di gruppo.
A Paris Creation Linda ed io abbiamo acquistato dei kit di Pascale Garnier ripromettendoci di non lasciarli troppo a lungo nei cassetti.
In effetti il giorno stesso del mio ritorno  a casa avevo già montato i fiori che poi ho abbandonato senza foglie in attesa di trovare un contenitore che mi piacesse.

This has became a group work.
Linda and I bought some kits by Pascale Garnier at Paris Creation promising not to keep them too long inside a drawer.
Actually the very day when I came back I made the flowers putting them aside leaveless waiting for a container of my liking.
A Roma, precisamente a Piazza Navona dove si riuniscono le bancarelle dei presepari, ho trovato un delizioso secchio di latta che sembrava fatto apposta per le mie margherite.

In Roma, more precisely in Piazza Navona where  are gathered the stands of Nativity set sellers, I found a cute tin bucket which seemed born to host my daisies.
Così ho passato l'intero giorno della Befana a tagliare e modellare le foglie, 5 ordini di foglie !!
Mini, piccole, medie, grandi e maxi ! Un gran lavoro ma il risultato è davvero realistico, molto più di quanto non possiate vedere da queste foto.

Hence I spent the whole Epiphany day cutting and shaping leaves, 5 orders of leaves !!
Mini, small, medium, big and maxi !A big job but the result is truly realistic, much more than you can tell from these pics.
Adesso mi mancano 5 kit diversi .... a Linda ne mancano 20+..... dovrò comprarne altri per stare al passo;o)
Now I have  5 more kits to go through ..... Linda has 20+ ..... I shall have to buy more to keep up ;o)

20 commenti:

  1. These flowers are a hit. You made a very good purchase.

  2. Marguerites d'anvers...such a pretty name. So much better than just "daisies"! Nicely done!

  3. Oh!!! So beautiful Rosanna. What a perfect daisy plant. The little bucket looks perfect for them.

    Okay.....must do

    Linda x

  4. What a great bucket! you did a beautiful job making the Marguerites d'anvers! I just love them.

  5. Super! So pretty and very realistic. Carol :)

  6. Rosanna, you've made a beautiful job of putting your kit together. They look wonderful in the little bucket..x

  7. flowers are gorgeous! bucket is perfect. nice job!


  8. I love your flowers and hope you will show us more of your kits. Your photos of Roma really are heavenly. I was there in the 70s, for a few days on my own on my way home. I loved it, saw the then pope, Paul VI. Will certainly return if I possibly can.

  9. Your flowers are as beautiful as Linda's. They are perfect in the bucket.

  10. Resto sempre molto affascinata dalle tue micro creazioni...buona giornata, Flavia

  11. You made a good job,I can see how patient you have been;-)!The arrangement in the bucket is great,I love things like this.So go on with your other kits,happy bloomin!Hugs,Jeannette

  12. Rosanna, fancy you making these whilst at the same time, Cindy was making the gerberas. They are so alike, I am sure they are from the same family.

    I love flowers and as far as I am concerned, they are a must in every home, even poor tribal ones :).

  13. What a work, but they become beautiful!
    * marlies

  14. I love Marguerites!!!! and these are so beautiful. But this is the kind of work I am not sure it fits me LOL!!!!

  15. Che meraviglia!!! Sembrano gioielli!!! :)

  16. Ma che brava che sei stata....forse anch'io dovrei provare con la tua tecnica....chissà che non riesca a produrre....
    sono davvero bellissime queste margherite....poi tra l'altro sono i miei fiori preferiti....
    questi kit li avevo visti a Parigi ma non li ho comprati visto che non mi sono mai cimentata con i fiori in dopo le tue immagini mi hai incuriosito....
    complimenti per il vaso che hai trovato a Roma....
    un bacio

  17. "Don't you think Daisies are the friendliest of flowers?", a quote from one of my favourite movies: You've got mail.
    And they do make you smile!
    Perfect container for it too, Rosanna, BUT they do look like a lot of work! But like all things, the more effort, the greater the result.

  18. They came out so perfect! I love how realistic they look!
