sabato 8 gennaio 2011


§ Durante la nostra gita siamo riusciti a visitare i Musei Vaticani, un posto meraviglioso ed incredibile.
Un consiglio a tutti: normalmente la coda per entrare nei musei è lunga più di mezzo km.
NON sto scherzando.
MA, se prenotate on line i vostri biglietti sul sito dei Musei, entrerete con un sorriso sulle labbra danzando una giga. Costano E 4.00 in più a testa ma saranno i meglio spesi della vacanza.
Ed ora qualcosina per addolcire l'inizio giornata.

§ During our trip we visited the Vatican Museums, a wonderful and incredible place. 
One advice to everybody: usually the queu to get inside is more than half km long.
I am NOT kidding.
BUT, if you book on line on the Museums site, you'll get in smiling and dancing. They are E 4.00 more expensive but this will be the better spent money of your holiday.
And now some eyecandy to sweeten the beginning of the day.
Cortile interno, la Pigna   -  Inner yard, the Pinenut

Mosaico Romano

Il più bell'uomo di Roma  -   Roma handsomest man
La Galleria dell Carte Geografiche, 120 mt di stupore  -  The  Geographical Maps Gallery, 120 mts of wonder

Angoli paradisiaci  -  Heavenly corners

Adorabili armadi nell'Archivio Segreto  -  Lovely cupboards at the Secret Archives

Particolare degli armadi  -  Cupboards detail
Una porta: miracolo di ebanisteria  -  A door: marquetry miracle
E di nuovo una porta....  -  And another door.....

8 commenti:

  1. Great pictures and it must be a wonderful trip to Rome.
    I ones was there, but I was to young to like the things that I do now.
    Maybe one day...

    Have a nice weekend
    Love Sylvia

  2. It all looks amazing Rosanna....wish I went there with you!!

    Lind ax

  3. The pictures of Rom are really stunning,hope to have the chance one day to get there.Hugs,Jeannette

  4. Fabulous Pictures Rosanna. Looks like your having a wonderful time..x

  5. The world's best frescoes must surely be in Italy. How can you guys take so much beauty at once? :)

    So W is not the handsomest man in Roma? ;p

  6. I musei vaticani sono veramente bellissimi ci sarò stata una diecina di volte ma non mi stanco mai!

  7. Oh what beautiful things you saw! And thanks for the tip about online booking. I find, all over Europe, the queues are so long, but we are all so desperate to see it that we happily stand in line for hours!

  8. Beautiful pictures, Rosanna! The details on the painted cabinets made me want to make some more painted furniture.... Thank you for the inspiration!
