giovedì 30 giugno 2011

Delizie dal Simp - Lovelies from Simp

§ Poche parole, solo immagini.
§ Few words, only images.

§ Sul delizioso tavolo che  ho comprato insieme alla sedia sull' Etsy di Marsha potete vedere ciò che mi sono regalata al Simp. Pochi pezzi ma molto amati.

§ On the cute table which I bought with the chair from Marsha's Etsy shop you can see what I gifted myself at Simp. Few pieces but very much loved.

 § Un'adorabile teiera di Veronique Cornish che, per fortuna del mio portafogli, non ha un sito web ma solo un indirizzo email

§ An adorable teapot by Veronique  Cornish  who, luckily for my wallet, has not a website but only an email address.

§  Due uccellini STUPENDI, li adoro, che NON potevo non portare a casa.
§ Two WONDERFUL little blue birds , I adore them, I could NOT leave them behind.

§  Un microscopico colino da té che viene dal Canada della Birds Foot Miniature
§  A micro tea strainer from Canada by Birds Foot Miniature

 § Adesso mi serve una tazza all'altezza del colino.
§ Now I need a teacup as nice as the strainer.

§  Poichè in fiera viene fame ho acquistato una meravigliosa pizza da Emma & Neil. Fa venire l'acquolina in bocca :oP
§ Since shows make you hungry I bought a scrumptious pizza from Emma & Neil.  It makes me drool.

 § Dopodichè freschi e croccanti carciofi da Oiseau de Nimes che è stata così carina da portarmeli a Parigi. Qui li vedete esposti nei vasi rinascimentali e nel cestino rugginoso dono di Roberta.
§ Then fresh and crunchy artichockes by Oiseau de Nimes who has been so kind to take them to Paris for me. Here they are exposed in the renaissance vases and rusty crate gift from Roberta

 § Ed ecco un altro regalo di una blogger carinissima da Edimburgo, Jackie.
Mi ha portato dei barattoli e delle tovagliette decorati con papaveri per accordarsi con la mia cucina.
Davvero un pensiero gentile.
§ And another gift from a lovely blogger from Edimburgh, Jackie.
She brought me canisters and towels decorated with  poppies to match with my kitchen.
Truly a thoughtfull present.

19 commenti:

  1. Oh, my, Rosanna, what treasures you came home with! That strainer has to be so TINY!!!!

    I am so pleased you like your shabby table and chair!



  2. Fantastic miniatures, every one in its own way and style. Thanks for showing!


  3. I love the canisters! The prettiest I've seen. Great gifts.

  4. You said I would like the pieces you bought at SIMP and you were so correct. I adore Veronique's items...such little treasure!!!
    Linda x

  5. ma quante belle cose, Madama Dorè :))
    gli uccellini sono deliziosi davvero, e la pizza è strepitosa!! pure io ho ordinato dei carciofi da Peiwen, spero che me li spedisca presto!
    ma la cosa che preferisco, tra tutte, è il cestino di Roberta!!!!
    baci, Caterina

  6. Che cose stupende Rosanna!
    la statuina con gli uccellini è bellissima!
    Un bacio

  7. What a sweet shop, you've been very lucky when you find these beautiful objects.

  8. Oh my goodness Rosanna, you find the most wonderful mini treasures!! Those bluebirds are so wonderful (I must have gasped out loud when I saw them) and that tea strainer is so teeny-tiny and amazing!!

  9. c'est vrai que les faïences sont magnifiques .

  10. I am so glad to have been able to see your purchases in real at the SIMP. They are beautiful.

  11. I can totally understand your love affair with those 2 little tweeties :). Do they sing in your ear?

    Rosanna, you must must start on that house. I want to see a bedroom with the chinoiserie wallpaper with the birds and the ornament by your bedside. Please go read my email on the wallpaper :).

  12. La tua collezione si arricchisce di miniature davvero adorabili :-)
    Il collezionista, in genere, è compulsivo, perciò non rimane che aspettare le prossime :-)
    Un caro abbraccio, Flora

  13. Bellisimi gli acquisti e i regali...
    La teiera l'ho vista dal vivo ed è bellissima!

  14. Lovely treasures! I also really like Veronique's pieces. There is a lady at the fair in Arnhem who often has Veronique's pieces for sale. I have a few of them in my kitchen. I would have chosen the teapot as well!

  15. Wow quante belle cose!! Mi fanno impazzire gli uccellini e il colino da tè è fenomenale!! Che bello deve essere stato! Un abbraccio

  16. I do love everything you came home with... but I think that tea strainer is the best... Especially for you with all your tea cozies:)

  17. OOOHHH, Rosanna, your little Treasures are just PERFECT! That tiny tea strainer is AMAZING!!! I will have to look for one for myself.... just because I love tea so much, I really need the mini one!!! And your two birds in the tree china piece is SO Darling!!! I LOVE it! It would match your 1:1 bedroom wallpaper so well..... now you will have to make a mini version of your wallpaper...! And the teapot is beautiful too.... you MUST have a matching cosy, right?
    It looks like you chose your purchases with care amid so many options!

  18. Very lovely gifts and I also love the little things that you have bought for yourself... especialy the incredible teapot!

    Enjoy them ;)
    Hugs Jollie
