martedì 20 settembre 2011

Tutorial per i tubetti di tempere - Paint tubes tutorial

§ Come si fanno i tubetti di tempere ?
E '  facile , molto facile .
§ How can you do paint tubes ?
It's easy , very easy.
§ Per prima cosa avrete bisogno di :
- 2 cesoie, 1 grande ed 1 piccola a becco piatto.
- 1 tubo di alluminio da 3 mm di diametro
- etichette adesive
- pennarelli
- perline o  cilindretti di Fimo.
§ You'll need :
- 2 shears , 1 bigger and 1 smaller with a flat cut
- 1 alluminium tube 3 mm diameter
-  self adhesive labels
- felt pens
- beads, Fimo cilinders

§  Cominciate a tagliare il tubetto con la pinza grande facendo piccoli movimenti rotatori.
Non vogliamo solo tagliarlo, vogliamo anche dargli forma.
§ Cut the tube with the bigger shear with smal rotatory motions.
We don't want only to cut it,we want to shape it as well.
§Questo è quello che otterrete.

§ This is what you will get.
§ Separate il pezzetto e non fate caso alle mie unghie :(

§ Separate the bit and don't look at my nails :o(
§ Ora con la pinza piatta tagliatelo della misura desiderata , io di solito li faccio lunghi 9 mm.
§ Now  cut it of the desired length with the flat shear, I usual keep them 9 mm long.
§ Ecco il vostro tubetto ma gli manca ancora qualcosa.

§ Here is your tube but it still lacks of something.
§ Con la parte dentellata della pinza schiacciate il fondo per avere l'effetto della chiusura.

§ Squeeze it at the bottom with the serrated part of your tong , you'll have the closure.
§ Tagliate striscioline di carta adesiva e coloratele come volete.

§ Cut thin stripes of adhesive paper and colour them as you wish.
 § Arrotolatelo attorno al tubino

§ Roll it around the tube.
§  Incollate una perlina od una fettina di Fimo cotto.
Io di solito uso la plastica termorestringente ma non trovo più i miei tappi di riserva :o/
§ Glue a bead or a small Fimo slice.
I normaly use shrinkable plastic ( the type you cook in oven )  but now I cannot find my spare caps :o/
§ Fatene quanti ne volete , costruite una bella scatolina e divertitevi :o)))

§ Do as many as you want , build up a nice box and have fun :o)))

§ Cliccate sulle foto per ingrandirle
§ Click on the pics to make them bigger

32 commenti:

  1. davvero molto facile, grazie!
    baci, Caterina

  2. Rosanna, Thanks a lot for this tutorial. I will try by all means.

  3. ¡Fantástico, Rosanna! Muchìsimas gracias por explicarlo, me va a venir muy bien para idea que tengo para la buhardilla :-)
    Un beso

  4. Thank you for the tutorual. They look so real. Just perfect for an artists studio.

  5. Thank`s for sharing. I will send this to my sister, she will have a art room in her house.

  6. Thank you for this wonderful and very clear tutorial.

  7. Mi ero sempre chiesta come poterle fare, quindi grazie mille per il suggerimento.
    Ciao Faby

  8. Thank you very much for the great tutorial.
    Hugs Maria

  9. great tutorial instructions easy to follow, will be trying this out
    debs x

  10. Wonderful tutorial!! Will have to keep this in mind for the future! hugs, ara

  11. Oggi sono un po' triste e il tuo tuotorial mi appare ancora più naif e rassicurante...
    Grazie :-)
    Un abbraccio, Flora
    P.S. Le tue unghie sono molto carine :-)

  12. Fabulous tutorial Rosanna, thank you SO much. This is something that's been on my mind for a while in the 'I wonder how I could make..." department and you've supplied the answer. xx

  13. Grazie per il tutorial, no pensavo fossero così facili da fare....
    Ci proverò...

  14. Great tutorial, Rosanna! Thanks a lot, I should try it.

  15. Great tutorial Rosanna. Thank you for sharing..x

  16. Davvero facile! La trovo un'idea geniale!

  17. Fantastico tutorial Rosanna!! Dovresti brevettarlo ;o)) Grazie per averlo condiviso. Baci

  18. gracias por compartirlo, es un tutorial genial y parece facil de hacer , beso

  19. Ooooo, such a lovely tutorial Rosanna!
    Thank you for sharing this :)

  20. Thank you for sharing my is much easier then the way I did it...


  21. Thank you very much for this fantastic tutorial - what a clever idea!


    P.S.: Thank you for your last and very kind comment on my blog... let me guess, translating German to English wasn't any better than German to Italian... (LOL). I really appreciate you trying to follow my very long posts... ;O)

  22. Ahhh.... Thank you Rosanna! I have wondered how people make those Tiny paints! Someday... when I get to the Studio building part of one of my dollhouses..... maybe sooner than I thought with this inspiration urging me to TRY it!...... I will know what to do! As you know.... I LOVE to paint and REALLY am looking forward to doing a Mini Studio Someday!

  23. I really enjoyed the tutorial. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Hellllo genius! Stupendous tutorial, lovely nails. You manicure your own ? :)

    I love the tutorial because you explain the steps ever so clearly and paint tubes, sooner or later, we all want them. Thank you, dearie!

  25. Thank you Rosanna. This is a wondeful tutorial. Hugs from Craftland

  26. Wow...what a great tutorial Rosanna... Thanks a lot for sharing :0)

  27. Thank you for this lovely tutorial, Rosanna! Wow! What a fantastic result! I love your box of paint tubes! :-)

  28. Oh Rosanna I absolutely love these tiny tubes of paint! I have never seen such things in my life, tiny tubes of paint (big tubes yes indeed, but not miniatures). You are so very clever because they look so real! I had to look twice, and read the tutorial to see they were miniatures!
