mercoledì 19 ottobre 2011

Di ritorno a casa - Back home

Sono tornata ieri sera alle 10 di sera ed oggi ho lavorato tutto il giorno.
fuori alle 8 di mattina e di ritorno alle 8 di sera....
Domani , forse, riuscirò a fare un post decente ma stasera non ce la faccio proprio :o((
Grazie per tutti i messaggi ed i commenti, sappiate solo che sono stati tre giorni FANTASTICI !!

I arrived yesterday night at 10 pm and today I worked all day long , out of home at 8 in the morning and back at 8 in the evening ....
Tomorrow, may be, I'll do a proper post but tonight I truly cannot do it :o((
Thank you for all your comments and messages, you only have to know that I had three FABULOUS days !!

12 commenti:

  1. Ci credo, Amsterdam e' fantastica poi in piacevole compagnia di care amiche!!!!
    Comunque bentornata a casa!!!

  2. I can imagine you will need some time to recover from the travelling, shopping, chatting (especially chatting - it must have been a 'chat marathon'!!) and just plain excitement of the past few days so take your time, we are looking forward to seeing the pictures but we can be patient while you 'recover' :)

  3. Bienvenida, descansa, repón fuerzas.
    Un abrazo

  4. What a WONDERFUL thing to be able to go visit with other Mini Artists!!! It has been such fun to be able to "Look" in on you all through your blogs! Thank you for sharing this fun!

  5. So glad you had a wonderful time in such an inspiring city, I knew you would :)

    And also glad you are home safe & sound albeit a tad tired.

    Can't wait to hear more about your trip and visit when you recovered :)

  6. Thank you for sharing many great moments from your trip. It must have been so much fun to meet other miniature bloggers.

  7. Bienvenida!!! ya te he visto en otras fotos con Mercedes, y Silvia, estaís muy guapas!!!!y que emocion.Besos.

  8. Nell'àmbito della quotidianità, una scappata come questa assume un valore ancora più prezioso e magico...
    I canali di Amsterdam...
    Che meraviglia :-)
    Un caro abbraccio,

  9. Che bello poter visitare questi luoghi magici... e poi in compagnia delle amiche...un vero sogno! Ben tornata,

  10. I loved every minute of it, specialy your talking (LOL)

    Big hug, Sylvia

  11. Oh dear Rosanna, please don't worry about your posts, it is totaly normal that you are tired after the wonderful days with your friends in Holland and when you got back home you had to go right back to work...

    I am very happy for you that you had such a lovely time!! :-)

    Hugs Jollie
