venerdì 7 ottobre 2011

Strizza - Jitters

§ E' definitivo , ho una strizza folle !

Il KDF si sta avvicinando ed io ho una paura folle.
Ieri ho ricevuto una mail dall'organizzatrice che, tra le altre cose, si raccomandava di portare SOLO oggetti di ottima qualità per non sminuire il Festival.


Come posso giudicare i miei lavori ?  io so quanto impegno ci metto ma sarà abbastanza ?
So che i miei disegni sono un po' fuori dagli schemi abituali delle Case di Bambola.
Io non  seguo troppo la moda , i miei lavori non sono shabby o country o  francesi o vittoriani , sono ...... Rosanniani , anche nella scelta del materiale.
E qui nasce il dubbio : saranno all'altezza ? o mi coprirò di ridicolo ?
La cosa che mi consola un po' è sapere che dal vero sono molto meglio che in fotografia e questo aiuterà quando sarò a Londra.

Non sono in caccia di complimenti per cui non fatemene , volevo solo sfogarmi un pochino.

Nuovi lavori in attesa di essere assemblati - New works waiting to be assembled
§ It's definite , I have the jitters !
KDF is approaching and I am scared to death.
Yesterday I received a mail from the organizer which, among other issues,  reccomended to bring ONLY top quality items in order not to belittle the Festival. 


How can I judge my works ? I know how much care I put into them but will it be enough ?
I know that my patterns are a bit out of usual schemes for Dollshouses. 
I don't follow much fashion , my pieces are not shabby or country or french or victorian , they are ..... Rosannesque , even in the choice of material.
And here doubt arises : will they be up to the occasion ? or shall I be ridiculed ?
What consoles me a bit is knowing that in real life they are much better than in pic and this will be helpful when I shall be in London.
I am not hunting for compliments hence don't pay me  that , I just wanted to let a bit the steam out.

27 commenti:

  1. Wow, you sure have been busy!!!! Hope you feel better now, after you let of some steam. I always think it is best to make and sell things that YOU like otherwise the creativity goes if we only make for selling. I am sure your things will sell well and that somebody will like them.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Belittle??? Rosanna, never mind: in the end it´s the customers and audience who make the "rating" :-)
    ...wish, I could also be there. Good luck, Sandra

  3. I am more than sure that every your customer is very happy with your own patterns! That is why they buy them anyway:) Good luck to you.

  4. ottobre 2011 alle ore 16:08

    Stai facendo venire un po'di ansia anche a me.......

  5. What a scary letter to have received.

    You have nothing to worry about!!! Your designs and beautiful stitching will be a hit with everyone that sees it. :-)

  6. Rosanna- I don't think it matters if you follow the fashion- I think the quality of your work speaks for itself and therefore you have nothing to worry about. You take care and put your heart into your stitching and that shows in your product. Good luck at KDF and don't be nervous- you should be very proud as your work is beautiful.

  7. You poor dear! I would probably react the same way as you if I received that letter! Not to worry! I LOVE your style and so will everyone else! Your work is so incredible and beautiful! You and KDF are a perfect fit!

  8. I understand how you are feeling. Don't worry about making things in your proper style, I think it's what is important, to be yourself in your work.
    Anyway it is always a good thing when artists have doubts.


  9. capisco come ti senti... poverina! :((
    allora.... anche se tu sai perfettamente che io adoro il tuoi cuscini, complimenti non te ne faccio perchè non ne vuoi... ma sono certa che chi vedrà i tuoi lavori resterà a bocca aperta e li comprerà comunque, alla faccia della moda, alla faccia degli stili precostituiti da altri, alla faccia pure della signora "snob" che ti ha scritto quelle brutte parole!!! ecco, l'ho detto!!
    ma dico io, lei ha visto i tuoi ricami, o no??? che antipatica... ecco, ho detto pure questo, ma tu fai finta di non avere sentito... ah ah !!
    in bocca al lupo, e stai tranquilla, sarà un suuccessoneeeeeeeeee!! :)))))))
    baci, Caterina

  10. Forza!! Se ti hanno accettato vorrà pur dire qualcosa no?!
    Anche a me ciò che ti è stato scritto non mi sembra molto gentile.
    Ma credo che quando l'organizzatrice vedrà i tuoi lavori si rimangerà quelle parole.
    In bocca al lupo!
    Ciao Faby

  11. Dear Rosanna ............ fear not!! I think it is because KDF prides itself on the quality of its exhibitors ... believe me having seen you at SIMP you have no fears at all. Here in the UK I have been to other fairs where some of the things for scale are not of the best quality, I know there is a place for everything but sometimes things which are claimed to be 1/12th are way too big. Anyway your goods will be snapped up I'm sure, relax and enjoy, Jackie xx

  12. I tuoi lavori non sono affatto ridicoli, sono belli proprio perchè non seguono nessuno stile ma si adattano benissimo a tutti quelli esistenti, sono rosanniani, come tu dici, quindi unici al mondo.
    Il mio non è un complimento fatto per tirarti su, è semplicemente la pura verità. Non sfigurerai affatto, anzi! Vedrai che sarà un successo!
    Un bacio

  13. Hi Rosanna,there is no reason to be doubtful of your work. Far from it! All the things I have seen by you are beautiful and extraordinarily good.I think,the important think is that you have your own style!!! Everyone received this letter from the KDF, so no need for panic ;-)! You will see, it will be a successful show with much fun. Jeannette x

  14. Oh Rosanna... Your work is breathtaking and speaks for itself. Your creations deserve to be among the best of the best... I can say this because I've held your beautiful creations in my own hands and know firsthand. You need not worry, sweet friend.

  15. ?"Belittle the festival"? How rude. As the proud owner of three of your precious Christmas stockings, I can tell them they will see NOTHING but perfection!
    Your work is incredibly beautiful!

  16. You did not ask for it, but you sure deserve it. The praise I mean. Your work is fabulous. I have visited Kensington only once, but I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time selling there. So much wonderful things and people to see and your work will be right at home there.

    I wish I could join in the fun some day...


  17. "Rosannesque"! - I love it! You've just answered your own fear. It's your style as an artist, be proud of it!

  18. Rosanna,

    Do not worry, see all those comments, your work is fantastic and I speak from experience, I have such a beautiful tea cozy of yours.

    Have a great time in Londen, wish I could be there..
    * marlies

  19. Não fique insegura, seu trabalho está maravilhoso!
    Um abraço

  20. ciao Rosanna forza non farti rovinare una bella esperienza come questa,spero un giorno di poter partecipare aqualche fiera anche io.dai porta alta la tua bandiera fatta di passione e amore per creazioni uniche.un abbraccio Erika

  21. I hope you got rid of your steam now... what a saying... "don't belittle the festival" - phhhhhhh. People are different and so are tastes - and that's the good thing about life, because otherwise it would be boring. It's never good to follow fashion and trends, better stay yourself, I truly believe you can only do something good if you believe in what your doing. Your work is amazing, you shouldn't worry, you'll add a lot of value to that show! They absolutely need a touch of Rosannesque... ;O)


  22. Tus trabajos son preciosos y de primer nivel, porqué pánico!
    Un abrazo

  23. NO PANIC! you are just having last minute's so exciting!! you have a wide variety of styles, and i KNOW your work is top quality, so just enjoy yourself ok!!!

    take deep calming breaths!!! *HUGS YOU TIGHTLY*

  24. I am minutes (ok, 120 minutes) away from going to the airport but I must tell you this.

    You give me comfort , Rosanna. I know now that even the finest like you go into a panic mode :). Need I say more? I love your work. And you know how extraordinary I think of them. Just enjoy yourself.

    No matter what, like Steve Jobs say , don't fear failure (although I don't think you will have to suffer it at all). As my partner always tells me, it is but part of the landscape of success.

  25. Dear Rosanna, I understand your panic.....but you will be fine....more than fine, relax and enjoy!

    Linda x

  26. Rosanna, what count, what fabric do you use to stitch? Natalia

  27. Cara Rosanna,
    abbiamo visto dal vero i tuoi lavori, e credici, il tuo panico è del tutto ingiustificato ! :o)
    In bocca al lupo, sarà un successo!
    E poi hai ancora un sacco di tempo...
