venerdì 4 novembre 2011

Luna Blu

§ Stasera sono andata ad una festa di compleanno ed ho incontrato Paolo, un amico,un  ingegnere, un pittore e, come ho scoperto oggi, un artista del vetro.
I suoi gioielli sono splendidi , azzardati ed avventurosi.
Esagerati come una Luna Blu.
Andate a curiosare , ne sarete affascinati.

§ Tonight I went to a birthday party and I met Paolo, a friend, an engineer , a painter and , as I found out tonight , a glass artist.
His jewels are splendid , excessive and adventurous.
Excessive like a Blu Moon.
Go and have a look, you'll be fascinated.

4 commenti:

  1. Wow! It's gorgeous Ro! I am envious of his gifts. To be able to wield something as hard as glass into this beautiful treasure is already so special, and he can paint? And an engineer? Can a person be too gifted? Tell him I love his work, will you? And that I wish I am half as talented as him!

  2. Oh my goodness, this is truely the spirit of beauty captured in glass.

  3. glad to discover your blog via a comment on Carla's . Mi piace molto.. ho imparato l'italiano tanti anni fa é e piacevole aver occasione re-leggere e re-praticare.
    Saluti da Brussels
