sabato 5 novembre 2011

Stiamo bene - We are fine

§ Grazie a tutti per i messaggi e le mail, siete di tesori.
La mia famiglia sta bene , chi conosce Genova sa che è costruita su colli e noi siamo un po' più alti della zona del disastro.
La città adesso sta aspettando. mentre la pioggia ha ridotto l'intensità.
La Protezione Civile dice che il peggio deve ancora arrivare e noi tutti speriamo che si stiano sbagliando.

§ Thank you for your messages and mails.
My family is fine , who knows Genoa is aware that it is built on hills and we are a bit higher than the disaster zone.
The city is now waiting while the rain has lowered down a bit.
The Civilian Service says that the worst is still to come and we all hope that they are wrong.

15 commenti:

  1. Ouf! Last night the news on tv showed us your town and I immediately thought of you. And this morning I saw your post with the answer to my question.
    In some regions of the south of France it's the same situation.

  2. Oh my goodness, i haven't seen this bad news. It looks really terrible, please take care Rosanna xx

  3. Thinking of you..and all the people who have so big problems now! What a teribble horrible situtation! Take care !!! Many Greetings

  4. Dearie, your flood looks as bad as the one in Bangkok! My goodness, I went to the link and saw the submerged cars ! Everyone's trapped on the 2nd level just like Bangkok.

    I don't know about Genoa but I can foresee the same reaction maybe because of the huge losses that people have suffered but the people in Bangkok who are affected by the floods are very angry and stressed. I just heard from my sister that the flood have reached Chatuchak :(.

    So what's happening at your end? Are all of you stuck at home? There's no coverage here at all! Not even CNN or BBC. I will try and look. The freak weather is mad!

    I am thankful that you are safe. Do keep us updated ok, Ro?

  5. glad to know you're fine.
    I know, I know, I'm not much of a commenter (nor blog reader) most of the time I just don't have the time.
    Anyway, hope the situation will improve soon!


  6. Rosanna-I didn't know about this either! How did this not make our news? It should have-CNN needs to tell us about such things. I am so happy that you're ok, but my heart goes out to everyone hurt and displaced.

  7. Me alegro que estén bien, es una alivio, esperemos que deje de llover y se restablezca la normalidad
    Un fuerte abrazo mexicano.

  8. Thank you for keeping us "updated" - hopefully the officials are wrong and things won't get worse - we all hope the best for you!


  9. I hope it won't be that bad too. Good to read you are all right. Still keeping my fingers crossed for your city.

  10. Whouah, already the pictures of south of France were bad but those are worst aslo. The water could never be stopped that's the big problem i hope in the next days everything will be a little bit not so scary, we are thinking of you! doei, claude

  11. Glad to hear that you are all ok. I hope you have already seen the worse and that the officials are wrong.
    Take care Hugs Maria

  12. Take care Rosanna and I wish for more dry weather for you all.

  13. Povera Genova e poveri Genovesi... mi dispiace tanto, anch'io ho parenti in Liguria e non posso fare a meno di pensarvi...

  14. Ciao cara Rosanna, stavo per scriverti un messaggio e ho pensato prima di passare dal tuo blog per vedere se c'erano notizie. Ho visto in Tv di Genova e mi sono preoccupata, ho pensato subito a te. Sono sollevata che stiate bene. ti abbraccio forte e spero di sentirti presto,
