domenica 26 agosto 2012

18 anni

§ Ci siamo, il mio bambino è diventato grande ma grande davvero !
§ We got to the point, my baby has grown up , truly grown up !

§ Il mio bambino è maggiorenne e sembra solo ieri che lo tenevo in braccio timorosa perchè temevo che si rompesse.
Era così piccolo e fragile , così tenero eppure così forte e nei suoi occhi si specchiava il mondo.

§ My baby is of age and it seems only yesterday that I held him in my arms fearful that he might break.
He was so small and fragile , so tender and yet so strong and the whole world was mirrored in his eyes.

§ Adesso il mondo è suo , deve solo afferrarlo e vivere appieno la sua giovinezza ed i suoi sogni.

§ Now the world is his , he only has to grab it and fully live his youth and his dreams.

§ Amore mio, tanti tanti auguri per oggi e per tutta la tua vita.
§ My love, best wishes for today and all your life.

24 commenti:

  1. Congratulations with the birthday of your ADULT son, Rosanna! Yep, time flies!! They are growing old fast! Have a nice birthday!
    Hugs, Ilona

  2. Wishing Matteo a very Happy Birthday!!!

    Linda & David x

  3. tanti auguri anche da me!
    hugs and kisses
    fiore svizzero

  4. Happy Birthday to Matteo and congrats to his proud Mom, too... ;O)


  5. Auguroni!!! Non so perché ma quando eravamo giovani i 18 sembravano non arrivare mai e ora invece gli anni passano troppo in fretta... Tanti auguroni al tuo bel ragazzone!! Un bacio

  6. Mateo! Feliz cumpleaños!
    Es como su madre de guapo :D
    Que todos tus sueños se hagan realidad
    Un abrazo
    GRACIAS por no tener palabra de verificación

  7. It's frightening how quicly time flies, we seem to be reminded of it particularly in the birthdays of our children. Happy birthday to Matteo!

  8. Un mare di auguri .......per un importante tappa della vita!
    Un bacio

  9. o, how nice to see! Happy Birthday to your beautiful son and may all his wishes and dreams come true!!! yes..i agree, time goes by so quickly...mine are 29,28 27.....:) May they all be happy!!!

  10. Feliz cumpleaños Mateo!!! Que tengas todo un año de felicidad!!!

  11. Happy birthday to Matteo!
    You have a handsome son, Rosanna!:)
    Hugs and kisses

  12. A very happy birthday to your son Rosanna:) Wonderful photographs, have a great Sunday. Tony.

  13. Matteeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooo!!! Happy birthday guapo!!! ☺☺ Enjoy your day and enjoy every moment of your life.
    A lot of besos and hugs, muchos, from all of us ♥♥
    Àlex, Arnau and Eva

  14. Wishing Matteo a very Happy 18th Birthday.
    You've done a great job Rosanna..
    Love to you both <3

  15. El suelo de la terraza está quedando estupendo Rossana!
    Mucho trabajo, pero vale la pena.
    Un abrazo
    GRACIAS por no tener palabra de verificación

  16. Tantissimi auguri al tuo "piccolo grande" amore... Spero che la vita possa portargli tantissime soddisfazioni e molta molta felicità.
    Un bacione ad entrambi,

  17. Cumpleaños feliz, cumpleaños feliz, te desean las Malu´s,cumpleaños feliiiiiiizzzzz.
    Rosanna una beso muy fuerte para Mateo!!!de las Malu´s.
    Desde Barcelona muaaakkkkkk.

  18. Rosanna, it is a big day for your son and you! Happy Birthday to both of you! Natalia

  19. Ohhhhh let me still pinch his cheeks! heh heh :):) That's so irritating right?

    HAPPY 18 MATTEO! Treasure the next 10 years although life gets better as you age :). But 18 is special.

    A 40 plus year old friend of mine once said, let me have the wisdom of now, the beauty of my 30's, the idealism of my 20's and my body when I was 18, and I will be perfect! ;p

  20. Felicidades Rossana,tienes un hijo guapisiimooooo,ahora viene otra etapa que tambien es muy gratificante,un beso.Rosa.

  21. Hola Rossana!!! Aunque con un poco de atraso deseo que Matteo haya tenido un cumpleaños very very happy!!!! Está guapísimo!!!! Un beso enorme a los dos. Isabel

  22. Isn't it wonderful that someone you loved and cared for and gave your heart and soul to is a strong handsome adult human being? It says much about both of you, Rosanna.

  23. mi ero persa questo bellissimo post, chiedo scusa per il ritardo ma ugualmente auguro al tuo "piccolo" un futuro "grande" e pieno di soddisfazioni!!!
