martedì 7 agosto 2012


Com'è Singapore ?
How is Singapore ?

E' una città dove gli alberi crescono sui pianerottoli
It is a city where trees grow on the landings

Dove puoi trovare case decorate di panna montata
Where you can find houses decorated with whipped cream

Altre con giardini sul tetto e stelle sui muri
Others with gardens on the rooftops and stars on the walls
Dove al 5° piano della Biblioteca Nazionale crescono le palme
Where at the 5th floor of the National Library palm trees thrive

Dove trovi uccellini grandi e piccoli
Where you find birds big and small

Una città che ama le sue radici , vicine all'Europa  ....
A city which loves its roots , close to Europe ....

..... o un po' più lontane da noi Occidentali
..... or a bit further from us Westeners

Dove la gente ride, anche quella di bronzo
Where people laugh , even those who are cast in bronze

E puoi trovare scorci di foresta tra i grattacieli
And you can find patches of forest among the skyscrapers

Qui vecchio e nuovo si danno braccetto
Here old and new go hand in hand

E' la città dove la tecnologia diventa poesia
It is the city where technology becomes poetry

E ti sembra di essere sul set di un meraviglioso film di Fantascienza
And it is like being on the set of a wonderful Sci-Fi movie

Cammini tra le nuvole
You walk on clouds
Guardando il mondo sottostante
Looking at the world below

La notte l'incanto si accresce e non riesci più a separare la fantasia e la realtà
At night wonder grows and you cannot divide fantasy and reality any more

Eppure è una città VERDE , verdissima
Nonetheless it is a GREEN city , really green

Il verde è ovunque
Green is everywhere

Perfino vicinissimo a casa             Even very very close home.

Ma soprattutto per me è la citta dell' AMICIZIA
But most of all to me it is the city of FRIENDSHIP


This post is dedicated to all the wonderfull persons I met during my two weeks trip to Singapore.
Old friends and new friends have made it the best time I enjoyed in the last period.
I shall never thank them enough. 

16 commenti:

  1. Que fotos más bonitas y es verdad, cuanto verde.....debiste pasarlo genial verdad? Que envidia te tengo Rosanna, que lo sepas, jajajaja.....un beso enorme y gracias por compartir tu viaje con nosotras.

  2. Wow Rosanna, you are quite the world traveler! How wonderful you got to meet so many friends again, I agree with you, that is the best part of traveling!

  3. Wow...wonderful pictures, wonderful journey, You have had a very wonderful Holiday! Friends and the family are the best thing in the life.

  4. Che bello......per un pò ho chiuso gli occhi...e mi sembrava di esserci stata con te!!!!
    Un bacio

  5. Definetely we MUST to come back because there are a lot of things that we haven't seen yet and as you see because of the wonderful people ^_^
    Beautiful picture of my two favorite ladies!
    Besos for you an Matteo

  6. What a wonderful post - and the pictures were like a five-minute-holiday... ;O) And after all this beauty at the end the lovliest photo of the two lovelies ladies ever!


  7. Bentornata.
    Le foto mettono un'assoluta voglia di partire..chissà se un giorno...!!!
    Un abbraccio

  8. You look like Sisters in these white dresses!:) Great city! Thank you for sharing Rosanna!:)
    Hugs and kisses!

  9. Wonderful!!!
    Beautiful pictures and so great to see the two of you togheter again.

    Big hug, Sylvia

  10. Io non ho mai lasciato la mia Sicilia, ma grazie ai tuoi viaggi, e soprattutto al tuo modo semplice e pulito di raccontare, mi hai portato in giro con te.
    Grazie per la bellissima emozione,

  11. The pictures are beautiful!!!! thank you for posting them...may be one day we can have one like this in Lisbon, all together....
    a greaty hug for both

  12. Bellissimo tutto...che meraviglia....

  13. Such a lovely lovely lovely post, my dear Ro :).

    I love my country so much more now since your very first visit :).

    Ewalina, it was a coincidence that we both wore white that day. We also wore a huge ring on my finger, also coincidence. Very funny, your comment about us like sisters because we thought so too :):).

    Ana, for sure I am taking you up on your offer :):) and know that it will happen.

    Really hope to see you gals and guy here soon ,Eva :).

  14. Vielen Dank für die schönen Bilder. Ich muss feststellen... ich war schon lange nicht mehr da. Eine wirklich fantastische Stadt.

    Schicke liebe Grüße mit

    PuNo / Monika

  15. What an amazing place, oh, and those trees! Maybe someday, I'll get to "climb" them too...sigh...

  16. Thank you for sharing all these beautiful photos of your extraordinary stay!
