sabato 26 gennaio 2013

City of London

City Of London
§ Forse vi ricorderete che domani avrei dovuto essere a Londra per il nuovo Festival, il City of London.
Ahimè, non ci sarò.
Cause di forza maggiore mi hanno impedito di partire.
Mi dispiace soprattutto non incontrare vecchi e nuovi amici ma sarà per la prossima volta.
Auguro il miglior successo a tutti gli espositori e buon divertimento ai visitatori

§ May be you'll remember that tomorrow I should have been in London for the new Festival, the City of London.
Alas,I shan't be there.
More urgent issues have prevented me from going.
I am mainly sorry because I shall not meet old and new friends but there will be other occasions.
I wish all the best to the exhibitors and a joyful day to the visitors.

9 commenti:

  1. Dear Ro,
    There are going to be a lot of Festivals in future.:)
    But I hope everything is going on good in your life? Fingers crossed!
    Hugs and kisses

  2. Rosanna,
    Hope all is well with you - I too would be disappointed to miss a show that I had planned on attending - there will be many more in future!


  3. Rosanna you will have lots of items ready for the next fair and etsy!

  4. These festivals will always be there, like Ewa say :):). And Margaret is so right when she says now you have aplenty for your next show and etsy :)

  5. What a shame! I'm so sorry for you.

  6. John Lennon was so right when he said life is what's happening while you're busy making plans... I can only hope it's nothing serious that keeps you away from attending the festival in London. Don't be too sad about it, there will be many more occasions in the near and far future!


  7. Oh no! I wanted to travel there with you, through your pictures and stories...but it's true, you can go again, maybe even sooner than you imagine! I just hope you're doing ok...

  8. So sorry you missed the trip, Rosanna! Hopefully, there will another one in the very near future!
