domenica 6 gennaio 2013

La Befana ....

.....vien di notte
con le scarpe tutte rotte
col vestito alla romana
Viva viva la Befana

Alzi la mano chi non ha mai cantato questa canzoncina.... impossibile vero ?
Buona Befana a tutte noi

§ La Befana
comes at night
with broken shoes
with romanesque clothes
hurrah hurrah for the Befana

ALL Italian kids have sung this little song , of course there is no rhyme and rythm in my awfull translation, and the Befana is a much loved character and her holiday is truly heart felt
Happy Befana to you all

§  Ma torniamo al Giveaway.
Solo 25 di voi si sono iscritte .... va beh, più possibilità per tutte ;o)

§ Back to the giveaway.
Only 25 of you joyned it .... oh well, more chance for those who did ;o)

§  Ho rispettato la volontà di Sans e l'ho esclusa dal sorteggio mentre non ho ascoltato Lucille che non ha un blog ma è sempre presente e carina perciò si meritava di essere inclusa

§ I respected Sans' will and excluded her from the giveaway but I didn't listen to Lucille who may have not a blog but she is always present and nice therefore she deserved to be included.

§ Ma la vincitrice poteva essere solo una......

Sandra, hai vinto di nuovo tu  (^_^) , il mio blog ti porta fortuna ((^_^))

§ But the winner could be only one ...........

Sandra,you have won again  (^_^) , my blog is a lucky one for you  ((^_^))

§ Ti spedirò tutto a giorni, appena l'influenza mi permetterà di uscire di casa :o))

§ I shall mail everything to you in a few days,when the flu will let me out of home :o))

PS ho dovuto rimettere la parola di verifica ai commenti. Gli spam erano diventati davvero troppi,decine ogni giorno,e invadevano anche la pagina dei commenti superando ilcontrollo spam.
Mi dispiace ma non potevo fare altrimenti

PS I had to put back to verification to comments.Spams were really too many, dozens ever day, and they invaded the comments page as well going through spam control.
I am sorry but I couldn't help it

13 commenti:

  1. Hahahahaaaaaa Rosanna! This is just too cool :-))))))))))) What a wonderful surprise in the evening! I am really thinking hard about a giveaway and the only one allowed to take part is you, hehe!
    Thank you, you made my day!
    Hope you will feel better soon!
    Happy Befana day,

  2. Congratulations to the winner. IndyPoppy

  3. Happy Befana to you! And above all: Get well soon! To hell with that flu!!! And now congrats to Sandra - and thank you very much for this funny last minute giveaway!


  4. Buongiorno Rosanna,
    Ho sentito tante storie per la befana quando ero giovane...bellissimi ricordi.
    Spero che ti senti meglio presto e buonissimo anno a te, il mio amico Bruno, e la vostra famiglia.

  5. Thank you for your kind words, Rosanna, and congratulations to the winner! May I make a suggestion regarding your flu. I was also suffering from a very bad bout of the flu and finding it very hard because I haven't had the flu in years.

    This really works. One night, last week, very late at night, I thought I was dying from this flu. You know the feeling. I couldn't sleep and was walking the floor. I decided to check my e-mails. I always believe good things come from the Lord. Onions come from the Lord. In this e-mail, it explained that if you have the flu or a cold, actually there's a person who got healed from pneumonia trying this and I believe it.

    Take an onion, cut off both ends and put it in a jar and leave the jar open. Remember, don't put the cap on. Then put the onion on your night table and go to sleep. During the night, the onion will do its work and start taking the germs out of your system. At first, the smell of the onion will bother you, but just put up with it. It's a small price to pay.

    When I woke up the next morning, I felt worse than ever and could hardly lift my head from the pillow. But wonder of wonder, my cold had left my chest and was more centered in the throat area. I was feverish but I knew it was the onion doing its work. Every night, I cut a fresh onion and put it on my night table. I am happy to report that this is the sixth day and I feel so much better. My cough is gone and I'm not blowing my nose. I still feel a bit weak but I am on my way to complete recovery. Try this. It's cheap medicine. Every day, you will see a difference. I went a bit further, and cut a fresh onion for daytime also. Because I was so weak, I had to lie down days at a time. So there was always an onion at work.

  6. Congratulazioni a Samira !!!
    Spero possa rimetterti presto, un bacio e grazie per la bella opportunità,

  7. anche io ho rimesso la verifica della parola, so che è una seccatura, ma molto meno dello spam!
    congratulazioni a Sandra, bel regalo dalla Befana... :)
    interessante la storia della cipolla di Lucille! da provare, tanto non costa nulla... e poi, metti che funziona?? ;)

  8. Felicitaciones a Samira...a mi se me "escapó" tu sorteo y no participé..Para otra vez prometo no faltar..Un beso y espero que la Befana te haya traido muchas sorpresas...

  9. Congrats to the Happy Winner!

  10. Ciao Rosanna, mi sono persa il tuo giveaway..... mannaggia!!!! Ultimamente sono molto latitante, mi rifarò dopo Miniaturitalia! Sono felice di poterti conoscere di persona, ti aspetto!!!!

  11. Ciao Rosanna!! I'll answer here your comment about my son's school. But first I want to tell you I'm very silly because I didn't know you made a giveaway....osh!!. Congrats to the winner. All the kids and teachers spent two days in a sports pavilion and now are sharing the school with another kids and teachers in a very big building. But it's not our school, and is very far away. It's a long story to explain here. Please, have a Happy, happy and very happy New Year and Happy Befana!! Hugs and kisses. Marta

  12. Congratz Samira/ Sandra! Lucky you :).

    Ro, disallow annonymous comments on your setting and they will go away. I have no verification and no spam. RosaMargarita taught me !
