martedì 12 febbraio 2013

Survival kit ? no, thank you ;o)

§ Qualcuna delle mie lettrici si ricorderà della fiera di Arnhem .... sì, proprio quella, dove ho speso così tanto che le mie fedeli amiche hanno approntato un kit di sopravvivenza per permettermi di superare la serata ;o)
Stavolta NON è andata così...

§ Some of my followers will remember of Arnhem fair ...., yes, that one, where I spent so much money that my faithfull friends prepared for me a survival kit to stand the night ;o)
This time it has NOT gone like that ...

Questa volta ho comprato solo quattro pezzi. Brava eh ?

This time I bought only four pieces. Who's been a good girl ?

Come molti sanno io ho la mania di comprare cose simili o uguali a quelle che ho già in casa in scala reale.
La coppa di vetro ondulato viene dall'Inghilterra da Glass Craft ma l'ho acquistata da Carlotta e Luciano di Cinen.
Le arance le ho fatte ieri sera approfittando della nevicata che mi ha impedito di andare al corso di 
Tango e qui potete vedere le due "sorelline" vicine.

As many of you know I have the whim of buying things similar or equal to those I already have at home in realscale.
The fluted glass bowl comes from UK made by Glass Craft but I purchased it from Carlotta and Luciano of Cinen.
I made the oranges last night since the heavy snowing prevented me from going to my Tango class.
Here you can see the two "sisters"close by.

Un altro amo le zuppiere di porcellana bianca

Another example.... I love white china soup toureens

Come avrei potuto resistere a questa delizia, grande come una nocciola?

How could I resist to this delightfull hazelnut sized one ?

Fatta dalla incredibile Elisabeth Causaret, che non ha un sito ma da cui compro un pezzo ad ogni fiera, che sia a Milano o all'estero. Mai perso un colpo, adoro il suo lavoro.

Made by incredible Elisabeth Causaret, who hasn't a website but from whom I buy a new piece each and every time, either in Milan or abroad. Never lost one chance, I adore her work.

Anche questa cosina meravigliosa è sua .....

This wonderful wee thingy is hers as well .....

                                               Piiiiiccola....... Tiiiiiiny .....

Questo dolcino appetitoso invece è un regalo di Minimariba :o) La panna sembra morbida, ahhhhh
Grazie ancora Mariarita  ((^_^))

This yummy sweet is a gift from Minimariba :o) The whipped cream looks soft, ahhhhh
Thank you again Mariarita  ((^_^))

Ed infine un piattino di dolci di Ana del Mi mundo en rosa: assolutamente irresistibili !

Last but not least a plate of sweets by Ana of Mi mundo en rosa: couldn't  resist !

Sans and Sab, I told you I didn't buy much  ;o))) 
Big hugs dearies

21 commenti:

  1. Hahahahaha, LOL!
    Great miniatures Rosanna!
    Hugs and kisses

  2. Beautiful purchases. And, your oranges are so nice! Tango?!! Lucky girl! I can hear the music as I type this and I can see myself tangoing away the night!

  3. I love the idea of purchasing pieces that match your real life things. Great buys!

  4. Ma che belle l'idea di cercare la versione mini della versione reale......o cercare le versione reale della mini.....divertente in tutti e 2 i casi!

  5. Two of my favourites Glasscraft and Elizabeth Causerett. I can never resist a piece of theirs. Lovely to show the large and small.

  6. You've been a very good girl... I've always said you're a strong woman... and I clearly remember that parts of your survival kit even made it to Wankendorf! ;O) Your purchases are fantastic and it's such a nice idea to search for mini versions of your own reallife pieces. That bowl of oranges is stunning!


  7. Dear Rosanna,
    Very pretty cushions! There must be so many stitches in that little cupcake!
    Thank you for your previous posting also of some of the talent showing at the miniature show.
    I'm looking forward to attending the show in Seattle in March. There will be one here in Vancouver in June as well but I will be away at that time.
    Regards Janine

  8. Now you don´t have to eat oat meal rest of the month....such a good girl. And such delicate minis that you´ve bought...I also have a habbit of wanting things I have in my home in real size I will also want in 1:12....

  9. :-D
    Le tue arancie in miniatura sono assolutamente adorabili, direi che sembrano più vere di quelle vere.
    Tutti i tuoi acquisti sono favolosi ma la zuppiera... la zuppiera è... non so come dire... LA VOGLIO, ecco!
    Un abbraccio affettuoso

  10. Dear Rosanna, you have found so beautiful miniatures! Congrats!

  11. Hola Rosanna !! Preciosas compras y me alegra saber que te gustó mi trabajo. Muchisimas gracias !!!!! Un beso

  12. Ottime scelte.
    La zuppiera bianca e l'alzata in vetro sono favolose.
    Ciao Faby

  13. Anche io sono stata brava quest'anno :o)))) solo due pacchettini !!!!
    un bacione

  14. Lovely shoppings.
    Happy Valentine's day!

  15. Wonderful new pieces to add to your collection!!!

    How did you manage to be so good. :-)

  16. In fact you didn't buy too much things :) every item a jewel!!!

  17. In fact you didn't buy too much things :) every item a jewel!!!

  18. Now I believe you! :)

    Ro, these purchases are precious! At first I thought you bought the oranges and I wanted to tell you, what great find! Then I realise you bought the glass bowls and made those oranges! Wow, Ro, I am truly impressed! I love the bowls of course!

  19. You have been a very good girl, I'm so pride of you:)))))
    You trully have spent your money it all!!!

    Hugs, Sab

  20. Siempre me sorprendes con la calidad y originalidad de tus trabajos
