sabato 23 novembre 2013

Buon Compliblog - Happy Blogday

Peggy Porschen
§ Ok, ci siamo...un altro compliblog.

Sono 5 anni ormai che vago in questo mondo virtuale senza mai pentirmi di esserci entrata.
Come Alice scopro ogni volta che mi ci avventuro nuove emozioni, nuove persone e vivo nuove esperienze.
Voi sapete quante amicizie sono nate su questo schermo, quante persone in pixel sono diventate in carne ed ossa. Quanto affetto nasce da queste pagine anche se ultimamente le ho un po' trascurate.

Non rinuncerei mai al mio appuntamento con tutti voi, siete diventati una parte molto importante della mia vita.

§ Ok, here we are....another blogday.

It is 5 years by now that I wander in this virtual world without ever repenting of having adventured into it.
Just like Alice each time I enter I discover new emotions, new people and I live new experiences.
You know how many friendships were born on this screen, how many pixel people have become flesh and bones. How much affection was born on these pages although lately they have been a bit neglected.

I should never give up my date with all of you, you have become a most important part of my life.

§ Però si deve cambiare....
Avrete notato che il mio Esty shop è vuoto, presto sarà chiuso.
Non ho più il tempo, ma soprattutto il desiderio, di ricamare a tempo "pieno".
I miei lavori impegnavano tutto il mio tempo libero e così non era più un divertimento ma assomigliava troppo ad un lavoro.
Continuerò a ricamare per me, per gli amici che me lo chiederanno ma basta fiere e basta Etsy.

§ But something must change....
You may have noticed that my Etsy shop is empty, soon it will be closed.
I don't have any more time, and most of all will, to stitch at "full" time.
My works took all my spare time and it wasn't fun any more, it resembled too much to a job.
I shall keep stitching for myself, for friends who might ask me but enough with fairs and enough with Etsy.

§ Allora cosa fare con i pezzi ancora in casa ??  Si lancia un giveaway !!!!

Tutti i miei lettori, solo quelli iscritti ad oggi, mi mandino un commento e potranno vincere uno dei miei lavori.
Avete tempo fino al 30 Novembre, allora pubblicherò una foto dei pezzi in palio e chi sarà sorteggiato potrà scegliere quello che preferisce.

Vi va bene ??
Mi raccomando, partecipate in tanti !!!

§ So what to do with the pieces which are still at home ??  we launch a giveaway !!!!

All my followers, among those who are registered up today, can send me a comment and they could win one of my works.
You have time till 30th November, then I shall post a pic of all the pieces among which the winner of the giveaway will chose what he/she preferes.

Is it fine for you ??
Go on, join it, the more we are the more fun we have !!!

25 commenti:

  1. Happy birthday to your blog! It has been such a pleasure meeting you and visiting your miniature world and I hope there will be many more birthdays!! Making miniatures should be fun, when it isn't fun it's time for change. Best wishes for your future in miniatures and blogland.

  2. I cannot believe that it is 5 years.....where has the time gone? I feel sad you are giving away your remaining 'works of art'.....but also happy to join in on the give-away non-the-less. Keep blogging....we have so much more of your house yet to see......regardless if it takes another 5 years, I shall be watching.

    Lots of love....Linda xx

  3. Dear Rosanna! I can understand completely the need to step back and not have mini "production" run your life! It is much more fun to make it a "Hobby" in my opinion... but alas, it means no more Gorgeous Tea Cozys??? (I am too late!) I can only hope I can still win one of your Treasures!
    I hope you will return to making minis just for YOU... and the Casa Rossa!

  4. Hmmm, that is bad news for all of us loving your work.
    But I can understand, Haven't got much time here as well.
    Lets hope you keep into the dolsshousehobby, and show us in a few years a big small suprise ;-)
    Inhave a big respect of what you made, seen it at Syls house.
    And no I don't react for the giveaway, cause my plan is just one dollhouse model in the future, but couldn't resist of giving a reaction on this news.
    Take care, and have fun!

    Big hugg, Remco

  5. Rosanna ...prima di tutto magici auguri per il 5 compleanno del tuo blog......poi arriva anche la mia iscrizione al giveaway......spero che la fortuna mi rivolga lo sguardo almeno in questa occasione visto che ......questo è un periodo un po' di tensione.....incrocio le dita...e mi raccomando non abbandonare il tuo hobby.....perché sei bravissima!!

  6. Happy birthday to your blog, minis should be fun so I understand why you feel you need to step back from them, I would be very proud to own a piece of your work x

  7. Really..?? 5 years already..?? How the time flies.
    Happy birthday to your blog!! (^^)
    I'd love to join the draw - so I hope you'll count me in..

    Hope you still keep on blogging and we may that way still see your lovely works :)
    Best wishes and take care.
    Hugs, Irina

  8. Happy Birthday to your Beautiful Blog and to You! You have done wonderful work during these five years by inspiring all of us in the Blogland! I hope you keep us going with your blog every now and then :)
    The giveaway, yes please, count me in, would love to join!
    Best wishes,

  9. Happy blogbirthday for you!
    Count me in with your giweaways.

  10. Auguri al tuo favoloso blog!
    Spero proprio di poter vincere uno dei tuoi magnifici lavori.
    Saluti, Faby

  11. Me, me! Maybe one time I will be lucky. ;)
    Yes, sometimes a hobby is best when it stays a hobby only. :)
    Hugs and kisses

  12. Tantissimi auguri Rosanna. Chanel avrebbe detto che non c'è niente di meglio del n.5! Ti auguro tanta serenità con tutti i nuovi cambiamenti per il tuo hobby.
    Per me sono quasi due anni ed in quest'arco di tempo sono nate amicizie virtuali che non avrei mai immaginato.
    Partecipo al tuo generoso giveaway con piacere.

  13. Happy anniversary to your blog! I was very happy to be able to meet you thanks to blogland.
    I can understand why you want to stop selling your embroideries, it's quite a lot when you also have a full time job. I'm sure a lot of people will miss your beautiful work. I'm glad to participate in your giveaway.

  14. Buon Compliblog !!!!! Concordo con te, i blog ci hanno portato tante belle e nuove amicizie :o)
    Ti auguro di ritrovare la voglia e la serenità nel fare mini solo per te....e mi auguro di vincere una tua meraviglia !!!!!

  15. First of all Happy Blog-Birthday - five years, wow! Thank you for writing down these wonderful thoughts about blogging, I totally agree - and I am thankful I had the chance to have met you last year. But it's sad to hear you'll cut down stitching, but it's your decision and it appears to me that it's the right one for you at this time. Miniatures should always be fun in my opinion. Thank you very much for offering this generous giveaway, well, good luck to all of us.


  16. Happy Blogday Rosanna.
    I think we have all been guilty of neglecting our blogs. Think we have all got caught up on Facebook, where everything is instant.
    If it hadn't been for our blogs we would never have become

  17. Felicidades por tu cumple blog!
    Rosana, estoy contenta porque gracias a este hobby, tuve la ocasión de conocerte en Barcelona en casa de Eva,tus trabajos son tan hermosos que es una pena que dejes de hacerlos, pero te entiendo, las miniaturas a veces saturan,y si ya no te diviertes haciéndolas es mejor
    dejar pasar un tiempo, para volver con ilusiones renovadas. Y en esta nueva etapa te deseo lo mejor!
    Anotame a tu sorteo, me gustaría tanto poseer uno de tus trabajos.
    Besos de las Malu´s.

  18. Dearest, I have been thinking about you. Well, mainly because you are also the topic of conversations...yes, again :).

    Love, travel, meals, walks, company, passion. Most of us coming into blogland will never dream how that can be the beginning of beautiful relationships.

    I have taken so much from you that I won't ask for another. Give my place to so many others who will want one of your work now that they are no longer sold.

    I thank the birth of your blog so that I can meet you Ro! Happy 5th!

  19. Ciao Rosanna,
    Tantissimi uguri per il 5 compleanno del tuo blog! é davvero un bel traguardo!
    E grazie per renderci tutti partecipi ai tuoi festeggiamenri con il giveaway!
    Un abbraccio,

  20. Ricordo con emozione la prima volta che sono capitata sul tuo blog... tra tanti stranieri finalmente la luce :-)
    Per me è stato molto, molto importante quel giorno, mi ha fatto capire di non essere sola: era tanto tempo fa, e pensare che scrivi "solo" da cinque anni :-)
    Per me la tua vita è straordinaria: trovi sempre il tempo per tutto, e sei sempre presente per gli amici, quindi sono certa che saprai ottimizzare le tue risorse al meglio :-)
    Ti abbraccio caramente, sei sempre presente anche quando non ci sei :-)
    Chissà se tra mille anni, quando noi non ci saremo, il blog continuerà ad esistere imperituro...
    Lo spero :-)

  21. Cara Rosanna seguo sempre con ammirazione il tuo blog e i tuoi lavori.
    Continua così...alla grande!!
    Buon Compliblog e grazie per questo giveaway!!
    Un saluto

  22. Rosanna,
    I am happy to hear that you will continue stitching if it is only for you! You are so talented and I treasure my pieces of your work.
    I was also sorry to hear that you had an accident. I do hope that you are 100 percent again.

  23. Of course I understand perfectly because I am in a very close situyation. Enjoy your life as much as youcan. Love you!!

  24. Hi Rosanna! Happy blogiversary! What a special treat you are offering--thank you for the opportunity to own one of your beautiful pieces. I understand about your Etsy shop. When it takes all of your free time, it is no fun any more. We all need "down time" to play and have fun. I'm glad you're making a healthy choice for yourself. Maybe we'll get to see more of you too! xo Jennifer

  25. Happy Blog Anniversary!
    It's easy to understand your reasons for not wanting to continue your online sales. I'd love to have one of your lovely works of art and would be happy to win or make a swap with you. I hope I'm not too late to join the list of participants.
    Thanks and hugs, Drora
