venerdì 7 febbraio 2014


§ Come ogni anno, da 10 anni a questa parte, le miniaturiste Italiane e non avranno il loro momento di gloria a Milano a Miniaturitalia.
Questa è l'unica vera Fiera Italiana e nel corso degli anni l'ho vista crescere e migliorare ed è anche una grande occasione per rivedere vecchie amiche ed incontrarne di nuove.
Purtroppo in questi giorni sono a letto con l'influenza e potrei essere impossibilitata a partecipare :o(((
Sarebbe un vero dolore per me che pregusto questo momento da un anno all'altro....
Auguro comunque a tutti i partecipanti, espositori o appassionati collezionisti di divertirsi un mondo.

§ This year, as it has been for the last 10 years, Italian and not miniaturists will have their moment of glory in Milan at Miniaturitalia.
This is the only real Italian Fair and during the years I saw it grow and get better and it is also a great occasion to see old friends and meet new ones.
Alas in these days I am bed ridden because of a bad flue and it might be impossible for me to go
It would be a real pain for me, I look forward to this moment every year....
Anyway I wish everyone, exhibitors or passionate collectors to have a ball of fun.

12 commenti:

  1. Get well soon enough to go there! :) :)

  2. Buongiorno Rosanna,
    Spero che ti sentirai meglio e che potrai andare alla fiera.
    Un Grande abbraccio,

  3. Get better quickly dear Rosanna, you cannot miss the fair!!

  4. Hope you're feeling better! Do they give flu shots in Italy!

  5. Rosanna, rest in bed and drink plenty of tea with lemon and hopefully you will be able to attend.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear you have to struggle with the flu - I'm wishing you a speedy recovery and especially fast enough so that you can visit that fair.


  7. Espero que te mejores pronto y puedas ir a la feria. Sé cómo debes estar porque me ocurrió lo mismo hace dos años cuando quise ir a la Feria de Madrid :(
    Cuídate mucho.

  8. Dear Rosanna, I am so sorry to hear you have the flu! It is terribly disappointing to miss a Mini Fair because you are unwell! :(
    I hope you recover quickly... and maybe even feel a "miracle cure" by tomorrow so you can go after all!
    Take care and get well soon!

  9. So sorry to hear you have been so sick! Hope you are feeling so much better now! There will be more miniature fairs to come :)

  10. Sorry about your flue. Too bad it will keep you away from the fair but it is very important to take care of your health.
    I wish you a speedy and full recovery!
    Hugs, Drora

  11. Rosanna....come va??......meglio??
