giovedì 3 aprile 2014


§ Framura è un minuscolo borgo con un microscopico porticciolo
§ Framura is a minuscule village with a lilliputian harbour

§ Framura ha un mare cristallino color smeraldo
§ Framura has an emerald green sea

§ A Framura le barche volano sull'acqua e fluttuano come sogni
§ In Framura boats fly on water and float like dreams

§ A Framura una Sirena veglia sugli uomini ed i loro affanni
§ In Framura a Mermaid watch over men and their grief

§ Framura, vicino alle Cinque Terre, villaggi strappati al mare e alle montagne, luoghi di incanto.
Qui lunedì scorso sono arrivata con la mia bicicletta gialla :o)
Come faccio a pensare alle miniature se la Natura canta e mi richiama?

§ Framura, next to Cinque Terre, villages tear out from sea and mountains, region of enchantment.
Last Monday I arrived here with my yellow bicicle :o)
How can I think of miniatures if Nature sings and calls me out ?

12 commenti:

  1. Wow! Rosanna, what a gorgeous place!!! I would go there too if I could! The water is so clear... the boat really looks like it is on air! There is always time for minis on the gray days... but in the sunshine of Spring we have to get out and play! Thank you for sharing this! I learn a lot from your Travels! LOL!

  2. Lovely pics! You seem to be leading a charmed life!

  3. What a beautiful place! The water makes me want to be there and the boats are so beautiful, they look like traditional wood hulled boats and all are kept bright and clean with pride.

  4. Miniatures?.....what are miniatures when there are such delights to experience and explore. Wish I was there with you!!!! Linda x

  5. Beautiful place! Thank you for sharing Ro!
    Hugs and kisses

  6. ....grazie per queste cartoline non abbandonare le miniature....perchè noi abbiamo bisogno anche delle tue fantastiche creazioni!!!
    Un bacio

  7. How you make me dream with your beautiful and peaceful photos.

  8. it's so pretty and the water there is so clear thank you for posting photo of your yellow bike trip :)


  9. Who needs miniatures when visiting places like this? Have fun - you and your yellow bike!


  10. che splendido posticino! fai bene, vivi la tua vita e sii felice!!!!!!!!!!
    ....le miniature si fanno quando piove ;)

  11. Ros, nice to see that you appreciate all that nature has provided around you. Here (Canada) yesterday we had more snow. I am getting a little tired of this kind of nature. Such a beautiful country you live in - so much within cycling distance to see and enjoy. Thank you for sharing....Penny

  12. What a wonderful place, very Mediterranean. like it!! I see that you are biking and enjoying a lot. That's really great!! Spring is already here :)
    Lots of love
