venerdì 23 gennaio 2015

Storia di un'alluvione e di un copriteiera - Story of a flooding and of a teacozy

§ Non ci posso credere.... due post in un giorno !
Benedetta influenza mi viene da dire, che mi ha concesso due minuti di tempo libero che da molto non riuscivo a ritagliare

§ I cannot believe ... two posts in one day !
Blessed is the flu, I dare say, which allows me a couple of spare minutes when for the longest time I had none.

§ Questa non è la mia casetta, è quella di MaryLynne che mi ha mandato le foto da poco.

§ This is not my house, it's MaryLynne's who sent me the pics short time ago.

§ Vedete niente di familare ;o) ?
Andate sul suo blog per conoscere tutta la storia :o)

§ Can you spot anything familiar  ;o)  ?
Go on her blog to know the whole story  :o)

7 commenti:

  1. Your tea cosies are so beautiful Rosanna, and I am sorry the two of you missed out on meeting, I have had the pleasure of meeting Mary Lynne on one of her previous trips to Europe, nice to get a glimpse of your dollhouse Mary Lynne.

  2. Of course we can! :) Pretty, pretty! :) :)

  3. Esas estancias de Mary Lynne son preciosas.
    No hay mal que por bien no venga.
    Un abrazo

  4. If all tasks were that easy... yes, this beauty could be spotted at once! ;O) Sorry to hear about your flu - my best wishes that you'll get rid of it fast!


  5. I Love your little tea cozy!
    I hope you get better quickly, Rosanna!

  6. Such a shame you didn't meet, I hope you can in the future! Your teacosies are in many countries making many people happy, speaking as the lucky owner of one of them, I'd love to meet its creator too!

  7. I don't own a teacosy but some other of your wonderful embroidery and I did meet you which was fun! I met Mary Lynne with Elga in Amsterdam a few years ago which also was fun!
    Pity you two didn't get to meet but at least now there is a small momento of you almost meeting ;-) Love the teacosy, it looks perfect in the little kitchen.
    Get well soon! (and keep posting when you're well again ;-) )
