giovedì 1 gennaio 2015

un ottimo inizio 2015 - A terrific beginning of 2015

Buongiorno a tutti e tanti auguri
Good day everybody and best wishes

Oggi abbiamo cominciato il 2015 con una bella passeggiata da Sori a Sant'Apollinare
Il tempo era SPLENDIDO !!

 We begun 2015 with a lovely trek from Sori to Sant'Apollinare
The weather was TERRIFIC !!

 Il mare era blu cobalto, il verde smeraldino, l'aria era piena dei cinguetti dei passerotti e dei profumi della campagna

The sea was cobalt blue, the gree was emerald, the air was filled with the tweet of sparrows and of the scents of the countryside

 Stradine acciottolate conducono in mezzo agli uliveti

Cobbled paths lead in the middle of olive groves

 E ci siamo arrampicati .....

And we climbed ......

 Ma alla fine siamo ritornati al mare per un picnic :o)

But at last we went back to the seashore for a picnic :o)

Non potevo sognare un inizio migliore

I couldn't dream of a better starting of the year

Un abbraccio a tutti
A hug to you all

11 commenti:

  1. Happy New Year, Rosanna!
    It is a beautiful place you are greeting the New Year!
    We are Cold and windy and huddled indoors... but that is not a bad thing when there are minis to build!
    I hope 2015 is filled with Wonder for you!

  2. Happy New Year. You certainly had an enchanting start - may the rest of the year be as happy and colourful. Carol

  3. Que precioso paseo por ese mar azul cobalto y verde esmeralda con cantos de pájaros y olor a campiña, envidiable.
    Un abrazo

  4. Happ new year Rosanna. I hope it brings joy, love and peace.

  5. Wow....looks perfect!!! Have a wonderful 2015.
    Linda xxx

  6. It is hard to believe you have such a warm weather while over here we have winter. ;)
    Have a great new year, dear Ro!
    Hugs and kisses

  7. Happy New Year - and best wishes for 2015 to become a good year. What a lovely trip you've made, thanks for taking us along with you... And all of this in winter (according to the calendar)! We're lucky not to have snow so far like the southern areas of Germany have, but our weather is grey, wet und nasty... so it was some kind of eye therapy looking at your photos...


  8. che meraviglia! non sembra nemmeno inverno!!
    un abbraccio fortissimo e di nuovo, Buon Anno!!

  9. Happy New Year to you and yours Rosanna. I hope it continues the way it has started..

  10. That is so beautiful it almost seems unreal. Those blues are gorgeous.
