mercoledì 1 aprile 2015

Perchè devo sempre correre così tanto ? - Why do I have to run always so much ?

§ Dear Blogosphere
This is me, in real time, in a rare moment of tranquility.

Well ... the jacket on the chair  means that in 15 minutes at the most I have to run out of home to go to work.
In recent times have also managed to make a couple of mini but have never managed to do two piccies pretty enough to show them to you.

Time will tell and who knows if I'll find those 20 precious minutes that I need.
Meanwhile, I embrace you and greet you all

PS don't take care of the mess !!

§ Cara Blogsfera
questa sono io, in tempo reale, in un raro momento di tranquillità.

Oddio, relativa ... la giacca sulla sedia sta a significare che tra 15 minuti al massimo devo schizzare fuori casa per correre al lavoro.
In questi ultimi tempi sono anche riuscita a fare un paio di mini ma mai sono riuscita a fare due fotine carine per mostrarvele.

Chi vivrà vedrà e chissà se troverò quei 20 preziosi minuti che mi servono.
Intanto vi abbraccio e vi saluto tutti

PS non guardate al casino !!

6 commenti:

  1. What mess....
    I wish my house where as neat as yours ;-)
    And those mini's, just show them because I know for sure they will be nice to see (even if you're not happy with them)
    Greetings from Holland, where I have to run to work like you do...

  2. Mess? What mess? Good you can't see my room, lol! Good to hear from you dear Ro! Hope you will find the time to show new miniatures to us. :)
    Hugs and kisses

  3. El tiempo es algo que carecemos muchos, da gusto disponer de un largo rato para disfrutar de lo que mas nos agrade, como son las minis.
    Un abrazo

  4. What mess??? I only saw parts of a lovely home! I hope you don't allow yourself to get stressed from running and being busy. It was really good to hear from you... and seeing that jacket again which brought back the sweetest memories to me... ;O)


  5. Hi Rosanna. I'm sorry you are always running. I hope you find some mini time soon to get back into your art. Sometimes, we just have to make the time too, and let some other things slip to the side. Take care.

  6. Buongiorno Rosanna,
    Como sono belli (e rari0 quei momenti calmi. Buona Pasqua!
    Un grande abbraccio,
    Giac !
