martedì 22 dicembre 2009


§ Qualche tempo fa Doreen lanciò un giveaway sul suo blog ed io sono stata la fortunata vincitrice.
Mai vinto niente in vita mia, ero elettrizzata.
Doreen è una signora deliziosa che dal nulla, letteralmente dal nulla, è capace di creare le cose più incredibili.
Il suo blog è divertente e le sue foto sono bellissime. Le sue bambole sembrano vive !
Ieri mi è arrivato il suo pacchetto pieno zeppo di minicose e un adorabile biglietto .
I miei preferiti sono il pacchetto di patatine ed la Guida sul Quilt: 51 pagine con tutte le istruzioni e le immagini. Favoloso !!!
GRAZIE MILLE Doreen !!!!

§ Some time ago Doreen launched a giveaway on her blog and I've been so lucky to win.
I never won anything in my life and I was very happy.
Doreen is a lovely Lady who is able to create from absolutely nothing the most incredible things.
Her blog is funny and her pics are beautiful. Her dolls act as if they were alive !
Yesterday I received her parcel brim filled with mini goodies and a lovely card.
My favourites are the crisps packet and the Quilter's Guid: 51 pages with all the instructions and images. Wonderful !!!

15 commenti:

  1. Congratulations on winning!! What wonderful gifts. Doreen is extremely talented.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  2. Cumplimenti Rosanna e tutto bellisimo. Ciao, ciao

  3. How wonderful to hear you have won! You have received some lovely gifts. Congratulations!

  4. Beautiful gifts Rosanna! Show us what where you find a home for them?

  5. Congratulations,everything is wonderful !

  6. Lovely little gifts! I really like that gift bag and the Fritos! I agree that Doreen can make anything!
    She is so talented and you are a lucky one indeed!

  7. Looks like so much fun Rosanna...Enjoy!

    Linda x

  8. Such an interesting 'collection' of little gifts. Lucky you!

  9. fortunata!! è vero, Doreen è simpaticissima e molto brava a fare le cose.. dal nulla!! in fondo il vero talento è proprio questo!!
    anche per me il sacchetto di patatine è bellissimo!
    buon divertimento!!

  10. I know what it is like to win something when you have not much luck before :). It is good to know that you no longer have any problem with parcels :). I see it came in a beautiful box too! Love all the precious little books. Lucky lucky luck you!

  11. Congratulations for this wonderful gift :)
    Merry Christmas to you Rosanna and a Happy New year. Hope you have a great time with your dearest!

  12. Congratulations on winning! You must have been jumping through your room ;)

    Lovely gifts, enjoy!

    groetjes Evelien

  13. Beautiful Rosanna,congratulations on winning and have fun with the wonderful gifts!

  14. Congratulations for your gifts!!!

    Merry Chritmas
