giovedì 24 dicembre 2009

Swap di Natale 8 - Christmas Swap 8

§ Queste sono le fotografie dei meravigliosi regali dello Swap Natalizio.
Grazie a tutte voi, per il vostro impegno e la vostra amicizia

§ These are the photograps of the marvellous gifts of the Christmas Swap.
Thank you all, for your dedication and your friendship.

Tanti auguri a tutte voi.
Che il vostro Natale sia ricco di serenità e felicità.

Best wishes to you all.
May your Christmas be plenty of happiness and

21 commenti:

  1. Thank you for arranging the swap Rosanna. Some wonderful Gifts have been sent around the world. I hope you enjoy opening the parcel I sent you as well, a little Thank you for being such a lovely friend.
    I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas..
    Love Debbie, Mick, Ben & Harry xxxx

  2. Auguroni di buon Natale con tutto il cuore, Rosanna!
    Bellissimi swap :)
    Un abbraccio,

  3. MERRY CHRISTMAS Rosanna :). I went to my office this morning and true enough, both Sabiha's parcel and yours have arrived :). Like a good girl, I opened them immediately since it was Christmas Eve. I am so happy. This Xmas has been so incredibly wondrous. I have never received Christmas gifts by mail except this year. Thank you, my dear dear friend.

    You won't believe what a day I have. My comp crashed and it is 5am Christmas morning now and I am fiddling with a new laptop writing long comments because I have no access to email addresses!! Will write you when I can!

  4. So many nice gifts. So many talented people out there in "Blogland". Merry Christmas to you and you family.

  5. Thanks so much, Rosanna! Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

    Milli grazie, Rossanna! Buon Natale e Capo d'Anno!

  6. Thanks, I am so happy. I will post in my blog the Debie' s gift because I see that is not in yours. Wonderful!!

  7. Oh I am so jealous to see what lovely things you are all able to create!

  8. Thank you for arranging the swap!!
    All the swaps are beautiful, so nice to see them.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.

    Love Sylvia

  9. Just wanted to pop-in and say thank you so much for hosting this swap, Rosanna! Everyone's swap turned out just lovely! I love mine! I have been out of touch with blogland for the past week or so but was so glad to participate with this! Merry Christmas Everyone! hugs - Ara

  10. Thank you Rosanna for arranging the Chistmasswap...
    All the swaps are beautiful,
    so nice to see them.
    i love mine!
    Have a wonderful Christmas.
    Hugs Marja

  11. Thank you so much Rosanna! I LOVE my three little Christmas stockings and the garland and ornaments too! They are all so beautiful!!
    This was my first swap and I really enjoyed being a part of it!
    It is so much fun to see what everyone made! Thanks for organizing the swap and sharing the photos!
    Merry Christmas!

  12. What a beautiful swaps, They are all corgious! I hope to join next year, mabe I have some more time.
    Merry Christmas for you and your family!
    * marlies

  13. Thank you for arranging such a wonderful Christmas swap, Rosana. It was really a lot of fun. Merry Christmas. :-)

  14. Cumplimenti a tutte, avete fatto un bello lavoro, tutto è molto carino. Auguri di un Buon Natale. Baci

  15. I wanted to add my thanks also Rosanna. This year was my first year making swaps and I learned a lot and had such fun! I LOVE my little dollie from Sandra(my sender)!!! Merry Christmas!!!

  16. Thank you so much for organising this swap Rosanna. I have just opened my gift from Donna...the wonderful Victorian Pink Christmas themed food.
    Absolutely wonderful Donna...thank you too :-)

  17. Thankyou Rosanna for arranging this swap. This is my first swap and I really enjoyed it. My gift is wonderful. Thankyou and a very merry christmas, Julia xxx

  18. ciao Rosanna!! grazie per avermi fatto partecipare allo swap.. è stata un'esperienza bellissima!!
    tutti i lavori sono molto belli e si vede che sono stati fatti col cuore..
    però... il mio è un'altro!! forse dovresti cambiare la foto...
    sperando che chi doveva riceverlo non ci abbia fatto caso... capisci a mè.. ricordi la mail che ti ho spedito???????
    baci e Buone Feste!!

  19. PS avevi ragione... il mio swap di Natale speditomi da Sylvia mi è piaciuto da morire!!!

  20. ..... grazieeeeeeeeeee!!!

  21. I am having problems still leaving comments on blogs so hoping this goes through, better late than never. A huge thankyou and hag Roasanna for arranging such an exciting and fun swap, Have a very Happy new year, Kate xxx
