lunedì 15 marzo 2010

C'era una volta..... - Once upon a time .....

§ ..... una ragazzina di appena 15 anni, che non s era mai allontanata da casa da sola, e che si ritrovò quasi per magia, in una cittadina sul mare.
Oh, un mare così diverso da quello sulle cui sponde era nata e dove si parlava
una lingua sconosciuta.
E in mezzo alla cittadina c'era un vero palazzo incantato, come solo nelle favole si possono trovare.
§ ..... there was a girl, barely 15, who had never gone alone far from her home. She found herself, as if for magic, in a seashore little town.
Oh, a sea so different from te one on which shores she was born and where a strange language was spoken.
And, right in the middle of the little town, there was a real enchanted palace, like the ones you can only find in fairy tales.
§ E all'interno lo stupore aumentava: grandi palme ospitavano dragoni dalle ali d'oro.
§ And inside the bewilderement increased: huge palms hosted golden winged dragons.
§ Personaggi opulenti in vesti e servitori si recavano al banchetto
§ Personages, rich in clothes and servants, came to join the banchet
§ E la conversazione scintillava sotto volte celesti
§ And witty conversation sparkled under celestial domes
§ Mentre in cucina elfi fatati si affannavano a preparare la cena al Re
§ While in the kitchen elves tired themselves to have the King's dinner ready
§ La musica risuonava sotto la cupola dorata, casa del Dragone
§ Music resounded under a golden dome, house of the Dragon

§ La sera la Regina si riposava dalle fatiche della giornata nella stanza più graziosa che vi possiate immaginare
§ At night the Queen could rest herself from her day in the prettiest room
§ Ma il Re proseguiva il suo lavoro nella libreria privata
§ But the King went on his work in his private library
§ Tutto ciò si mostrava alla ragazzina che non potè fare a meno di portare un pezzetto di quella meraviglia a casa per mostrarla alla famiglia. E ora lo mostra a voi.
§ All this was shown to the girl who could not help herself bringing home a piece of that wonder to share it with her family. And now with you.

§ e molti, molti anni dopo ......
§ and many, many years after ......

§ quale meraviglia !
§ what a wonder !

§ Due maghi avevano trovato il modo di rimpicciolire il sogno e renderlo ancora più magico
§ Two wizards have found the way to shrink the dream and make it even more magic
§ La Sala della Musica
§ The Music Room
§ La Sala dei Banchetti
§ The Banqueting Room
§ La Grande Cucina
§ The Great Kitchen
§ Il Salone
§ The Saloon

§ Grazie a Mulvany & Rogers per l' incredibile maestria che li contraddistingue e che ci ispira.
Non dimenticate di cliccare sulle fotografie per ingrandirle.
§ Thanks to Mulvany & Rogers for the incredible craftmanship which distinguish them and that's so inspiring for us. Don't forget to click on the pics to make them bigger.

17 commenti:

  1. Ha, the Pavillion is just down the road from where I work! The 1:12 version is incredible and I wish I could see it in real life once... I had a chance to speak to Kevin Mulvany at the Kensington Festival last year - what an inspiration! Thanks for sharing all these beautiful photos - it makes me want to pop down there tomorrow lunch!

  2. What a masterpiece!! I can't imagine even thinking about embarking on such a project, let alone carrying it out!!

    (And I'm kicking myself now that I didn't take a peek into the Royal 'folly' when I was in Brighton a few years back.)

  3. Oh my ! How beautiful - those are some very talented people. Thanks for sharing this with us. I really enjoy seeing this post.

  4. Truly amazing! Thank you for sharing the pix! It is astonishing.


  5. It is really something out of a dream. I visited it last summer with students, we were all in awe.
    What Rogers and Mulvany did is truly stunning.

  6. It's all in miniature! I can't believe my eyes. Incredible work, hard to imagine how much time it took. Fantastic, thank you for sharing it!

  7. Brighton Pavilion. Isn't it totally amazing. Thank you for sharing the pictures Rosanna..xxxx

  8. Wow great pictures. Must have taken ages to make.

  9. This is all too familiar, Rosanna because if you go to Day 6 of my post way back in 2008, you will see that the Royal Pavillion in Brighton is my inspiration for my palace. Do you know that it was built in the indo-Saracenic style which is also my choice of style for my Maharajah's Palace.This is the style prevalent in 19th century India.

    Also it was built by King George IV as a love nest for him and his constant companion, Mrs Fitzherbert whom he could not marry because of her Catholic faith.

    The sheer size of this palace even in miniature is just mind boggling!

  10. che meraviglia!!!! le miniature rispecchiano fedelmente la realtà!!!
    ehm, scusa l'ignoranza, dove sarebbe questo posto da favola???
    baci, Caterina

  11. A Superbly written piece Rosanna.

    They are such a talented couple and have worked on many great projects together. You can see that they are so experienced and confident in making little things!

  12. Amazing!!! Mulvany & Rogers makes the most wonderful pieces!!!
    I have been to Brighton and seen it from the outside, but I think it was closed for renovation. But the museum shop was open and it was great!!!
    Thank you so much Rosanna, I did not know about the mini copy!!!
    Synnøve x

  13. Absolutely amazing Rosanna. I think Susan needs to get in touch with those people!

  14. Incredibile, mi hai lasciato senza parole, meraviglioso. Baci

  15. Hi Rosanna,

    There's an award for you on my blog!

    Thanks for sharing thes beautiful pictures,there great!


  16. com'è andata col video???
    fammmi sapere...
    baci, Caterina

  17. Absolutely wonderful and stunning work! I knew about the lifesize of course, but didn't know about the miniature version. I saw some of their work recently in a television programme about doll's house collectors.
