lunedì 8 marzo 2010

La ricamatrice - the stitcher

§ Giuro che adesso vado a dormire.
Ma una cara, carissima amica mi ha appena mandato quest'immagine e non potevo non condividerla con voi.
Buonanotte e sogni d'oro a tutte voi.
§ I promise, now I shall go to bed.
But a dear, dearest friend sent me this image a few moments ago and I could not help sharing it with you.
Good night and sweet dreams to you all.

14 commenti:

  1. CIAO stitcher¨! vai a dormire ho rimandato ancora...a presto fiore svizzero

  2. By one of my favourite painters, Johannes Vermeer. Do you also sit so intently concentrating, when stitching? Then you deserve a good nights rest!

  3. So pretty.
    take care with your eyes and your back my dear. We will missed you ;)

  4. Te felicito, es una imagen preciosa.

  5. Wonderful picture and I wish you good luck with all the stich work!


  6. è una bellissima foto,buona giornata.

  7. I really look forward to the fair, to see you again and have a close look at your wonderful stitching Rosanna!!
    And be careful with the eyes and back.... remember to exercise a bit in-between!!
    Synnøve x

  8. Can you believe they also used to stitch by candle light? As a Dutch woman I just have to love Vermeer, don't I? Get some good rest and above all try to enjoy what you do!

  9. Una imagine bellissima, spero vada tutto bene e riccorda di riposare anche e importante per essere pronta in giugno. Baci

  10. Lovely painting and so were the photo of you stitching! And your chair is beautiful! I'm so looking forward to see the result of your work in Paris in June :-)

  11. It is a very beautiful painting...Have a very happy weekend, xv.

  12. I love this painting!
    I hope you're advancing well with your stitching but don't forget to enjoy it and take your rests!
    I'm glad you liked my little bag, next I will try the silk gauze and the pillow. :)

  13. O sweet Rosanna :)
    "The grass is always greener across the fence", it is an old saying, and for me that is always so useful to remember when, I'm dreaming about Italy or France:)
    It is a great place of course, with big forest, high mountains and cold crisp air.
    But remember how cold it gets! And the big old house costs a fortune to heat up, so we just use a few rooms during winter( from late Sept to end of April..if we are lucy)....I am cold most of these months...:)
    If you ever consider coming to Norway Rosanna, you are more than welcome to stay here:)
    I will show you my cold paradise:-)
