domenica 5 dicembre 2010

Aiutoooo - Heeeelp

§ Aiutoooooo !
Ho bisogno di un aiutino.
Niente di grave, non vi preoccupate, ho solo bisogno di un aiuto per trovare il mio spirito Natalizio prima di trasformarmi nella Sigra Scroodge..
Qualcuno l'ha visto ?

§ Heeeeeelp !
I need a little help.
Nothing serious, do not worry, I only need some help to find my Christmas feeling before turning into Mrs Scroodge.
Has anybody seen it ?

PS l'albero è il mio dello scorso anno.

PS the tree is mine of last year.

21 commenti:

  1. Christmas help is on it's way! Relax! No stress.... light one candle, put on some music you love, maybe a glass of wine.... and think of those you love.... because Christmas is mostly about love..... you will find your spirit!

  2. No worries, Rosanna, you will find it. Sometimes the holidays are difficult for me, thinking of those who are no longer with us. I pull out Christmas cards and letters from my mother and aunt, it's as if they're still here.

    Christmas is in your heart :)


  3. When I saw the photo I thought....okay!!!....she is now alright!! But then you tell say it is last years tree!!! I don't think I can help....I am not either in a Christmas sort of mood....What can be done about it...??? I do not know!!!

    ....another trip to Paris perhaps to see all the pretty shop windows....?

    Linda x

  4. Rosanna, I was having the same problem this year. But today I put on some Christmas Music, full blast while doing the Hoovering, and we've now got the Christmas Decorations down from the loft. I'm now looking forward to the Tree Going up. xxxx

  5. Rosanna, I hope it comes soon to you! I think Debbie's advice is the best. Play some Holiday music and have a Christmas latte!! Your tree is so wonderful!!

  6. I have not got the spirit either yet. It might be because they start hammering us in the USA in September with decorations in all the stores and Christmas music. By the time it is time to get in the mood, I am worn out with it all. Ho Ho Ho!

    Some of those old black and white Christmas movies might fix it for me like... It's A Wonderful Life. Ahhhhhh Jimmy Stewart to the rescue! ;-)

  7. Attingi a piene mani al mio, ne ho da vendere...!!!

    Bellissimo albero...ritrova lo spirito necessario e riparti, cara, non c'è nulla di più bello...a prescindere da tutto...

    Ti abbraccio forte !


  8. Having something to look forward to does it for me. I will be spending Christmas in Florida with all of my children! Decorating just doesn't seem quite so important as being with the ones you love. Relax, enjoy the sounds of the season and give someone you love a big hug!

  9. LOL Rosanna!! If I find it I might have to just keep it for myself, because I'm feeling pretty Bah-Humbug as well.
    It's still early Rosanna, let's not give up hope yet.

  10. Well I lost it last year, but I seem to have it back this year! My hubby is very pleased with it because he like it when the house is over decorated with Christmas time,LOL!

    I hope you find it soon, it can be so much fun, you know?


  11. Stesso dopo essermi presa il tempo giusto...stasera ho montato l'albero ho portato giù dalla soffitta i decori...ed ecco è qui vicino a me ...con le lucine accese...domani faccio i presepi.... martedì decoro con qualche altra cosa... e alla fine sarò contenta!!!!..... baci e spero tutto vada bene e per il meglio...baci, Flavia

  12. Dearie, forget the Christmas spirit! Be evil for a change :). I am so bad at Christmas, I wrapped my presents in paper bags albeit nice ones :).

    Anyway, you are lucky. All you have to do is to be your usual self and you will fit right into Christmas.

  13. Come to England to enjoy the snow!
    Or watch Christmas movies.
    By the way, I don't know if my parcel has arrived. It has been sent a little while ago now so am getting a bit worried.


  14. I won't be able to help you, sorry. I find it difficult to think it will soon be Christmas, why? I don't know.
    Maybe too many things to do, too many ideas in my head and not enough time, so no time yet to think about Christmas.
    At Paris Création I bought some Christmas decorations and I still haven't tried to put them on my mini tree.

  15. L'importante è non farsi assorbire dal vortice del Natale "commerciale". Forse il fantasma dei Natali passati ti può aiutare... Natali in cui lo spirito.. il vero spirito intendo... era facile da trovare. Nella semplicità e umiltà del presepe per chi crede o nello stare insieme con affetto per chi non crede. Un abbraccio

  16. Rosanna, I think Debbie's idea should work, I might try it too. Turn on some Christmas music and you will soon be singing along, but as someone else said, there's plenty of time yet until Christmas.

  17. questo perchè non hai partecipato allo swap di Natale... eh eh eh!!
    passa dal mio blog, c'è musica natalizia, un pò di cosette che ho fatto di recente e spirito natalizio da vendere!!
    chissà che non ti venga l'ispirazione...
    un bacio!!

  18. Dearest Rosanna,

    I did a blog post showing the amazing little slippers you made me. Like me....EVERY ONE loves them, make sure you call by and read all the beautiful comments regarding your needle work!

    I think one comment calls you 'the queen of the needle'....hope I got that right, anyway come and read them for your self!

    I hope you have been busy with your christmas tree....! Yes...??

    Linda x

  19. Cara Rosanna, sono ancora in tempo?
    Solo per dirti che non sei sola in questo momento di disentusiasmo...
    Sono tempi difficili, e forse proprio per questo dobbiamo lavorare su noi stessi per cercare e trovare il senso del Natale: se fosse così scontato, non avrebbe alcun valore!
    La realtà è che non dobbiamo assolutamente lasciarci sopraffare dall'aspetto consumistico che, alla fine, più che dare, toglie...
    Una bella fetta di panettone genovese condiviso con la tua famiglia e tutto passerà :-)
    Un grande grande abbraccio.
    P.S. Fantastiche le tue babbucce per Linda :-)

  20. VERY CUTE...
    visit me
