sabato 11 giugno 2011

Papaveri - Poppies

§ Qualche giorno fa Patty ha lanciato un giveaway mettendo in palio le sue mini tegole.
La particolarità stava nel fatto che i primi tre commenti avrebbe comunque vinto un set di tre tegoline ed io sono stata la seconda :o)

§ Some days ago Patty launched a giveaway on her blog and the prize were her mini tiles.
The peculiarity was that the first three comments would have won three tiles anyway and I was the second :o)

§ Ieri sono arrivate, ben fasciate e protette nella loro scatolina, carine da morire e, fortuna ha voluto, perfette per la mia mini cucina.
§ They arrived yesterday, well packed and protected inside their box, cute to die for and, for good misure, perfect for my mini kitchen.

§ Eh sì, perchè sono decorate con papaveri, lo stesso soggetto del quadro sulla madia.
§ Yes, because they are decorated with poppies, the same subject of the painting over the table.

§ Le ho subito appese ed ho approfittato di un raggio di sole solitario per fare una fotina.
§ I immediately hung them up and I tried to make the best of a lonely sun ray.

§ Mi piacciono moltissimo e non posso fare altro che ringraziare Patty per la sua gentilezza.
Grazie mille millissime ((^_^))
§ I like them a lot and I cannot do anything but thank Patty for her kindness.
Thank you very verrrry much ((^_^))

11 commenti:

  1. Carissima.......non posso che essere felice.....per come hai gradito il mio pacchettino!!!! Hai ragione vicino al quadro con i papaveri ci stanno benissimo!!!
    Un grande bacione e in bocca al lupo per la fiera.....

  2. Oh well done on coming in 2nd! They are adorable and look perfect beside the poppy painting in the kitchen :)

  3. The colors are perfect for your kitchen! I love the stenciled border on the wall. It all looks great!

  4. Love, love love your kitchen Rosanna. Congrats! Hugs~ Kim

  5. Rosanna, How incredible that you managed to win something with poppies on them! I love red poppies like that and they look so good next to your painting! I love your kitchen. Did I miss a post of a picture of the whole kitchen? From what I see it looks great.

  6. Congrats on being so quick... they are lovely and fit perfect to your painting and in the kitchen - as if they were made especially for you!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Congratulations with the beautiful give away that you have won!
    They look perfect in your blue kitchen :)

    Hugs Jollie

  8. When I saw the 1st pic I thought you had bought a new painting and put it up on your bedroom wall with the new wall paper :).

  9. What a beautiful painting. And it looks so lovely in your charming kitchen--well done!

  10. How lucky to win poppy tiles! I love red poppies too, and they look great in your kitchen! Erika Price Jewelry
