mercoledì 8 giugno 2011

SIMP 2011

Grazie mille dei complimenti e per l'incoraggiamento.  

Thank you very much for your compliments and encouragement.

§ Un'anteprima dei miei nuovi lavori. C'è ancora qualcosa ma voglio tenerli nascosti ancora un po' ;o)

§ A preview of my new works. There is something else but I shall keep it hidden for a while ;o) 

Tato e Ruby


Pretty in pink

Yellow home - homage to Sylvia

Comptoire de famille
Dove c'è un gatto , c'è casa
Where a cat is , there it is home 



Pavimenti Genovesi
Genoese floors

43 commenti:

  1. What exquisite work, Rosanna!! My favs are the Paris one and the one at the bottom with the black silhouette :) You will be sold out in no time!!

    Your package is on its way!!!


  2. What beautiful, BEAUTIFUL work!!!!!

    You have been soooooo busy Rosanna!

    I adore the "Ruby" cushion....what a treasure!!!

    Linda x

  3. Everything is so beautiful, you've really been a busy bee. The hommage to Sylvia really made me smile - great inspiration...


  4. WOW! You have been busy. I can see how much time each one of your gorgeous pieces has taken.

    SIMP is on the 19 someone just told me. I know you will have a great show and sell out. Have a wonderful time in Paris. I am just a tiny bit green with envy. ;-)

  5. They're all amazing! Of course, I am partial to the house with the kitty cat! Meow! ;-)

  6. Oh Rosanna! These are perfect! I really really love all of them:) But I think my favorite is the pink Babushka one! So cute!

  7. Rosanna, You are so amazing!!! Your work is stunning and you have done so much already for the show!! There are so many that are my favorite
    I love that sofa in the top picture too.....did you make that? Your space at SIMP will be fantastic!!
    I am with Catherine and feeling a little bit of envy...........

  8. ossignòre!! tutta 'sta roba hai già fatto?? ma la notte dormi? :))
    sono tutti meravigliosi, non saprei quale scegliere, bellissimo quello dedicato a Sylvia, è uguale alla sua casetta..
    sei bravissima, non ho parole!
    baci, Caterina

    PS: un pacchetto è in arrivo a casa tua!!

  9. Wow! You must be stitching non-stop! Do you ever sleep???!
    I like the little house pillows very much. Everything is beautiful!
    I know how incredible your work is.
    You will sell out quickly, I'm sure!

  10. Rosanna, I am speechless!!!! So many amazing pieces. I love the Babushka and the Pretty in Pink Pillows. The tea cozies are just adorable. You are so incredibly creative in your stitching. Beautiful, ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! You're going to be totally sold out with such gorgeous work! =)

  11. I have to agree with everyone - your work is just awesome!

  12. All your work is really gorgeous ,my favorite is the cozy with the cock.I know you will be successful on the Simp,have a wonderful time !!! Jeannette

  13. Oh my goodness these are all stunning . . straight to the "Italian Corner" at SIMP. I'm beyond excitement! How will I choose. I am in awe of your talent :-)

  14. Amazing work!!!! Looks so very lovely. Have a wonderful time.


  15. oooo Rosanna, how beautiful!!!
    But most of all ( it make me a bit proud) the yellow house, wonderful!!

    Big hug, Sylvia

  16. Rimango senza parole.....è tutto meraviglioso e hai molto buon gusto!!!

  17. Rosanna,mamma mia non saprei cosa scegliere!Sicuramente il cuscino con il gatto...è così simile alla mia adorata Minù!Lei è solo un po' più grigia.
    I tuoi lavori sono fantastici.Meno male che non vengo a Parigi se no ci lasciavo una fortuna!
    Baci e buon lavoro

  18. Oh my goodness Rosanna, how beautiful everything is. Just exquisite.

  19. Hi Rosanna, Just having a quick peak at blogs, I love your work, especially the shabby cushions. How wonderful it would be to attend, good luck and enjoy yourself, I am certain you will be busy wrapping as people swarm your table.

  20. omg. i cannot imagine the hours you have already put into making these wonderful items! i'm absolutely positive you'll sell out in no time!

  21. sono tornata... a sbavare un altro pò :)))
    caspita, però Rosanna!!! che meraviglie, non mi stanco di guardare... e ancora non saprei quale scegliere!!
    baci e buona giornata!

  22. Absolutely exquisite needlework Rosanna!

    I'm sure you'll do really well at SIMP....


  23. Aiii, Rosanna! This is really, really hard to see for those of us who can´t come to simp! So, I wonder: is there going to be a etsy shop or something similar in future?
    Have a great time! Sandra x

  24. Ma sono tutti magnifici!! Anch'io non saprei quale scegliere!!

  25. Rosanna, I can't wait to see all this in real. Your cushions are fantastic.
    I'm sure people will love them.

  26. Tutto sei meraviglioso!! E forse potrei vederli a Parigi si riusco a fare il viaggio...Sei brava!! Baci.Maria

  27. Amazing work! Love all of them :)

  28. Rosana it is so beautiful and I cannot go to Paris to see all you.... snif! I wish you good luck and best time in Paris, I love the ones you called cuties, shabby and the one in the middle from Festiva... don't worry we will find another place to meet you!! and to spend our money on your such nice and gorgeous items LOL, doei, claude

  29. Such beauties, Rosanna! Wish you all the best at the fair, my favourite is the silhouette too.
    Love, Susanne

  30. Rosanna, un trabajo muy delicado. No sabría decir cual es my favoritos, todos me parecen fantásticos. Besos.

  31. You are so inventive Rosanna! The detailing in the cat and dog portraits is stunning and so many other great designs as well! I love the geometrical patterns in the last photo! Best wishes for a great sale at SIMP, so sad I'm not there this year!

  32. Rosanna, Your needlework is just STUNNING! And all your design ideas are so beautifully original and so detailed! I am in love with ALL of them! I would never know which ones to choose! I wish I were going to SIMP.... but it is much too far away for now...
    I wish you the BEST of all times there and good luck with the sales!

  33. Sono molto molto belli!!!Tutti!!!
    ... non che avessi dubbi!!!
    Ti abbraccio

  34. Che bello tutto Rosanna, sei una artista. Un bacio e buon W-E. Ciao.

  35. What lovely pieces Rosanna! How much work you have done to prepare for the SIMP. Have a wonderful time there!

  36. Your needlework is always beautiful Rosanna. Wishing you every success at SIMP, not that you will need

  37. Ohhh my gosh Rosanna they are all soooo beautiful I LOVE them!!! They are really breat taking...
    You are a true artist!! :)

    Hugs Jollie

  38. Rosanna, I am so late! You will know why soon. But anyway, I am completely bowled over when I saw all your pictures in this post. You need not ever have to worry. These pieces are brilliant brilliant brilliant! How not to echo everyone and say I love so many of them? And how to sell them off ? They deserve to be exhibited in museums, my dear. They really do.

  39. Beh, che dire di più...
    Hai un dono speciale e sai trasmettere gioia con i tuoi lavori :-)
    Trovo molto rassicurante che tante persone sappiano apprezzare tanta pazienza e dedizione, oltre che bravura: in tempi di mediocrità dilagante, fa sentire che non tutto è perduto :-)

  40. Hello,
    Thank you for showing us these magnificent embroideries. Do you make your own patterns? I espacialy love the babuskas and the birdsnests.
    Many greetings from Holland,

  41. My goodness Rosanna!!
    I haven't been around here for a while (Noah keeps hijacking the computer for school work - yeah, right!) I am blown away by your work! Tooooooooo many of those little cosies and cushions are SUPER gorgeous!! I think you need to build a mini shop!

    LOVE the egg cosies too, what fun!
