domenica 16 settembre 2012

Aiutino ..... Hint hint .....

§ Per tutti i curiosi che mi hanno chiesto dettagli : questo è un "piccolo" indizio di una parte dei miei progetti.
Ahimè , gli altri sono meno piacevoli. Ed ora ciao a tutti :o)

§ For all the curious friends who asked for details : this is a "small" hint of part of my  projects.
Alas, the others are not as amusing . And now goodbye to you all :o))

9 commenti:

  1. Hola Rosanna, seguro que es de TANGO El nuevo proyecto, espero noticias (y fotos).
    Como es que en este blog no tienes palabra de verificación y en la casa Rosa sí???
    Un abrazo
    GRACIAS por no tener palabra de verificación

  2. Very promising... hope to read/see you soon, but until then have a very good time!


  3. Rosanna, this is such a beautiful Tango. The Tango has always been my favourite dance. I love to watch people dancing it. I don't dance it myself but I have always wanted to. LOL, I dance it as I watch others dancing it. I enjoy it vicariously, you know! The Tango is such a passionate dance. I adore it.

    The last Tango I saw that I liked was on Dancing with the Starts. Two couples of professional dancers danced it on "Girl, You'll be a Woman Soon". Urge Overkill sang it. It was such a sexy Tango. I adored it and I taped it. I still watch it from time to time.

    When I see people dancing the Tango,I become alive. I am no longer seventy-one but a young woman. You've made me very happy. Please don't remove this video because I want to come and watch it again and again.

    I see you're having a wonderful time. Good for you. We're only young once!

  4. Rosanna, sorry, I meant "Dancing with the Stars". I just got a new computer and I'm trying to get used to the new keyboard.

  5. Tango is a dance I love watching. I'm sure you will have a great and fun time learning it.

  6. ihihih!! io lo avevo già capito che frequenterai un corso di tango argentino... ma brava!!! sono strafelice per te!!
    il tango è il mio ballo preferito, ma io ho praticato (e insegnato anche...) quello standard che è un tantino diverso, ma pur sempre appassionato e molto coreografico.
    ti faccio i migliori auguri perchè ballare purifica l'anima, allena il corpo e riempie la testa di sani pensieri... ;)
    peccato solo che ballerini aitanti e "boni" come Banderas nelle scuole di ballo vere non se ne incontrano mai... :((

  7. Ok, I am totally trying to imagine you in those impossible shorts and the "I -can't-even-walk-in-them" heels doing the Tango!

    What better time than now, Ro. Oooompah!
