venerdì 25 novembre 2011


§ Qualcosa di strano è successo al mio ultimo post: non compare sulle dashboard dei lettori.
Cliccate QUI per collegarvi , è il mio terzo compliblog e lancio un blogcandy :o)
Vi aspetto :o))  ma non lasciate commenti a questo post per iscrivervi.

§ Something weird happened to my previous post: it doesn't appear on followers' dashboards.
Click HERE to connect , it's my third blogversary and I'm launching a blogcandy :o)
I'm waiting for you :o))   but don leave comments here to join it.

5 commenti:

  1. Rosanna! Congratulations on three years of blogging! I agree one hundred percent with your story...Blogland is AMAZING! And the friendships are just so inspiring!!!
    I couldn't leave a comment on your other post.... so I hope if I leave one here it means I can join in your giveaway..... :)

  2. This post appeared in my dashboard as it should... ;O)

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi Rosanna, I have just emailed you but you will be at Kensington this year. I will come and say hello and we can chat then.

  4. I read your wonderful post, three great years of blogging, congratulations!
    Blogger-friends are always very nice and how great it must have been to meet all you have met the last year.
    Please count me in for your giveaway, I was not able to leave a comment on the other post.

  5. Ciao Rosanna, sono passata per un saluto e per gli auguri del compiblog! Un forte forte abbraccio,
