martedì 29 novembre 2011

Sa Pésta

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§ Ma guarda un po' .... Peiwen mi ha mandato un link ..... perchè non ci ho pensato io ?
Cliccate sotto la foto , ringraziate Peiwen e godetevi un pezzetto della storia di Genova.

§ How funny ..... Peiwen sent a link to me ..... why didn't I think of it myself ?
Click under the pic, thank Peiwen and enjoy a bit of history of Genoa.

§ NON dimenticate il mio blogcandy :o)  ma per favore , NON mettelo su Facebook  . Io non ho un account e non lo avrò in futuro.

§ DO NOT forget my blogcandy :o)  but please, DON'T put it on Facebook. I do not have a account and I shant have one in the future.

PS alas the English version doesn't work but you can enjoy the images and the music all the same.

6 commenti:

  1. eh.. se mai un giorno riuscissi a venire a Genova, sai dove portarmi a cena :D
    baci, Caterina

  2. I'm with you, Rosanna! I have a Facebook Page, but I toy with the idea of closing it--FOREVER!!! ;-)

  3. What a beautiful restaurant! I would LOVE to see you create it in miniature! Hint. Hint! :D

  4. Rosanna, what a wonderful link! Did you see the picture of the cartoon lady holding a dollhouse version of the building? And those food! OMG! Stuff that you have cooked! Next time I am in Genoa, we are going to that restaurant again! Unless you want to cook of course :)

    Love the music from that blog too "Historia de un amor"? Do you know we have a Chinese version of that song which goes like this:

    My heart has only you and not him
    You have to believe my love is true
    My eyes I see, only for you
    My brows I draw, only for you
    Never for him

    teehee :)

  5. Me encanta este post. Ya sé un sitio donde ir a comer en Génova... espero que pronto :-)
    Un beso y gracias por ponerlo.

  6. Rosanna ringrazia peiwen da parte mia! Non ho mai visitato Genova e dalle foto si vede che è una bellissima città... e mi è venuta pure un po' di fame ;oDD
