§ Solo pochi di voi hanno mandato foto ma quelle che sono arrivate sono bellissime.
§ Only a few of you sent the pics but what they sent is beautiful.
Sans loves peacoks ;o) |
Sans' lovely doll Maya stitching in her home |
Sans from Singapore |
Kikka from Finland |
The wonderful footstool comes from South Africa, I haven't done it |
Linda from Tasmania
The farthest trip that one of my pieces has ever taken |
Birgit from Germany |
Fluby from Germany |
Marie from Belgium |
Marie from Belgium
Le papillon blue pillow and the blue Provence teacozy |
Martha form Canada
A collection of teacozies in a wonderful pastry shop |
Meli from Italy, Sicily |
Not properly a stitching but OOAK and completely handsewed |
Eva from Spain
The pillow is the green gingham one on the window bench |
Eva from Spain |
Sylvia from Holland
Blue rose teacozy and the Dior inspired flower wreath pillow |
Pink silhouette pillow |
One of my favourite: the lighthouse teacozy |
Tulip pillows on bench and girl egg cozy |
Cockerina from Italy, Puglia |
Cockerina from Italy, Puglia |
Cockerina, pillows for a mountain house |
Arghhhh SCUSA PATRIZIA, mi era sfuggita !!!!!! |
§ E questo è tutto.
Volete partecipare al giveaway?
Avete tempo fino al 6 Luglio per commentare e votare la vostra foto favorita. Dopodichè estrarrò il nome del vincitore tra coloro che avranno lasciato un commento e vincerà anche chi ha fatto la fotografia.
L'unica regola è essere un lettore del blog.
Allora, votate in tanti !
§ That's all folks.
Do you want to join the giveaway?
You have time till the 6th July to leave a comment and vote your favourite pic. After that I shall draw out the name of the winner among those who left a comment and the photographer will win as well.
The only rule is being a follower of the blog.
Go on, let's vote!