martedì 24 giugno 2014

24 Giugno, San Giovanni Battista - 24th June, Saint John the Baptist

§ San Giovanni Battista è il Santo Patrono di Genova e anche di Ovada una cittadina piemontese cui siamo legati da antiche alleanze e amicizia.
§ Saint John the Baptist is the Patron Saint of Genoa and Ovada a piemontese town to which we are bound by ancient alliance and friendship

§  Entrambe le città celebrano il Santo con feste e processioni religiose ma soprattutto folcloristiche.
§ Both the cities honour the Saint with celebrations and religious , but mainly folkloristic, processions.

§  Ieri sera ho preso parte alle celebrazioni Genovesi andando a vedere il falò di mezzanotte davanti a Palazzo Ducale
§ Yesterday night I took part of celebrations going to watch at the midnight bonfire in front of Palazzo Ducale

§ Mentre oggi pomeriggio siamo andati ad Ovada per assistere alla processione della Confraternita della Santa Trinità e Giovanni Battista

§ While this afternoon we went to Ovada to watch at the procession by the Confraternity of Holy Trinity and Saint John the Baptist

§  Il crocifisso della prima foto è tipico della Liguria e del Basso Piemonte, il Cristo Nero e le decorazioni in argento e argento dorato sono assolutamente caratteristiche.
E' pesantissimo e viene portato a turno dagli uomini più forti della Confraternita.
§ The crucifix in the first pic is tipical of Liguria and Lower Piemonte, the Black Christ and the decorations in silver and gilded silver are absolutely characteristic.
It is very heavy and it is lifted in turn by the strongest men of the Confraternity.

§ Essere un Cristezante, ossia Portatore di Cristo in Genovese, è un grandissimo onore e una grande responsabilità dato il grande valore economico e simbolico delle croci.
§ To be a Cristezante aka Christ bearer in Genoese, is a main honour and a great responsibility given the economical and symbolic value of the crosses.

§ Guardate i primi 6 minuti di questo video per capire la fatica nel passaggio da un portatore all'altro, è il momento più delicato di tutta la processione.
§ Look at the first 6 minutes of this video to understand the labour in the transfer from one bearer to the other, actually is the most dangerous moment of the procession

§ Non che queste enormi statue siano da meno !!! e le facevano anche ballare !!!
§ Not that these huge statues are less imposing !!! and they made them dance !!!

5 commenti:

The Old Maid ha detto...

Great tradition.:) Thank you for sharing it with us, Rosanna.:)

Marisa ha detto...

thank you for sharing that, what wonderful thing to participate in :)


BiWuBär ha detto...

Thanks for sharing this with us - very interesting!


Lucille ha detto...

Rosanna, what a magnificent procession. It made my heart swell and brought tears to my eyes as I watched those monumental sculptures being carried! I never knew there was such a beautiful festival in Italy to honour St-Jean Baptiste! He is also the patron saint of Quebec, one of our provinces and it is also a holiday for them but not for the rest of Canada. It's a provincial holiday. When I was a girl, there always used to be a procession on that day with a special chariot carrying a young boy representing the saint. Every year the search was on for a young boy with blond naturally curly hair. Eventually, the procession stopped. I can't remember why. Thanks for sharing this.

Daydreamer ha detto...

What a beautiful and fascinating procession, Rosanna! I watched the whole video... it did make it clear how heavy those crosses are and how hard to keep them upright!
Happy Midsummer to you!!!