domenica 10 settembre 2017

Genova superba

§ E' stata un'estate intensa.
E' stata un'estate calda, un'estate lavorativa ringraziando l'aria condizionata che mi accoglieva ogni giorno.
E' stata un'estate di nuotate in un mare incantevole, blu e ricco di vita, di passeggiate e pisolini in terrazza sul tetto.
E ora sarà un'autunno dorato e luminoso nella mia città che è la più cara al mio cuore.

§ It's been a full summer.
It's been a hot summer, a working summer during which I was thankfull to the air con which greeted me every day.
It's been a summer of swimming in a charming sea, blue and bursting of life, of hikings and naps on the roof terrace.
And now it will be a golden and bright autumn in my city which is the dearest to my heart.

3 commenti:

Daydreamer ha detto...

Hi Rosanna! It's wonderful to hear you have had a good summer! We had a very rainy and cool one... I guess all the "summer" was where you are! LOL! It's always good to know you are well and busy! Fall has arrived here... Enjoy your beautiful autumn!

Юлия ha detto...

Ciao, Rosanna! L'estate era molto calda con noi. Spero davvero che tu possa avere un buon riposo. Hai una bella città. Spero che un giorno visiterò. Abbraccio, Julia

BiWuBär ha detto...

It's great to hear you've enjoyed a summer that was a summer as it should be... and it's always nice to hear from you.
