domenica 27 marzo 2011

Keep calm

Chiedo scusa a tutti per il lungo silenzio, per la mancanza di commenti e per la scarsa partecipazione ai vostri blogs. Cerco di tenermi aggiornata con tutti voi ma ho qualche problemino di salute  ... niente di grave , tranquilli, ma sufficienti a tenermi da parte.
La cosa più seccante è che sono quasi completamente afona e quando provo a parlare mi manca letteralmente il fiato  :o((  qualsiasi piccolo sforzo mi affatica.
Questo mi crea grossi problemi sul lavoro anche se sono così scema da continuare a lavorare come al solito.
Ma soprattutto a me PIACE parlare !!!! sono una chiacchierona !!!!  e le ciacole mi mancano tanto !
Chi mi conosce lo sa ;o)))

I have to apologize for my long silence, the lack of comments and the little involvement in your blogs. I try to keep myself update with you all but I have some small health problems....nothing serious, don't worry,  but enough to keep me aside.
What's most annoying is that I am nearly completely aphonic and whenever I try to speak I get  litterally breathless  :o((   every little effort strains myself.
This gives me a lot of problems with my job even though I am so fool to keep going to work as usual.
But most  all I LOVE talking !!!! I am a chatterbox !!!! and I miss so much my chitchat.
Those who met me, know that well ;o)))

A presto       (((^_^)))              See you soon

20 commenti:

Katie ha detto...

I was wondering where you had gone! I hope your health improves soon! I've missed ya!

I find it hard to talk when my heart is acting up... and I am Not one to sit quietly either! Always seems like there's so much to say when you can't!

Keep us posted!

Pubdoll ha detto...

Sorry to hear you're not well Rosanna! And so boring not being able to speak properly! I hope you get to rest a lot (and eat cupcakes) and don't stress!

Best wishes and hugs

ღ M@ddy ღ ha detto...

Auguri di pronta e completa guarigione, cara!
Pensa solo a te stessa, ora...
...non preoccuparti!
Chi ti ama non smetterà di seguirti...e ti amano in tanti!



Caseymini ha detto...

Get well soon, Rosanna! Love the sign. It is good advice.... Keep calm and eat cupcakes, sounds like a cure for whatever is bothering you! We miss you!

cockerina ha detto...

oh! mi dispiace tantissimo!!!
ma, prendere un periodo di riposo, no???
guarisci presto!
un bacio, Caterina

Anonimo ha detto...

I agree on the eating of has to help!! :D thinking of you :D Linda x

Glenda/MidSouth ha detto...

Sorry you have been under the weather - Hope you are doing much better. I also am behind in visiting and posting, and may never get caught up.
Take care and have a great week.

Lataina ha detto...

I hope you feel better soon, Rosanna!

dalesdreams ha detto...

Sweetie! I'm so sorry to hear this! :(

I hope you feel better real soon.

Tea with honey?


Norma Bennett ha detto...

How frustrating!! Hope it all settles for you soon - and just WHY are you working when surely you must have a good excuse for a day (or two) off??? Take to your bed with a good book, a tray of cupcakes, and have someone bring you delicious hot tea! That should cure just about anything, and if it doesn't it'll make being sick a little more bearable ;)

Elga ha detto...

Get well soon, and you should consider taking off from work to rest, there is nothing like rest to help restore one's health. Enjoy the cupcakes!!!

Many Mini Hugs

sylvia ha detto...

Get well soon, dear Rosanna

And I know how difficult it must be for you!
Rosanna not talking is not possible (LOL)

Big hug, Sylvia

Unknown ha detto...

Dear friend, that sounds more worrying than you pretend? And you not talking....ooooh my gosh, that is not natural!!!! Hope you feal better soon!!!


P.s. I wondered if you already did found something in your mailbox?

Ireland ha detto...

I am glad that you are alright now. Nothing really serious happens to you. Is your health alright now?
Is that health condition of yours is had to do with the heart ailment.

Sans! ha detto...

Dearie, I will be on my way home to start writing you an email . So you keep calm till then :):)

Not sure about the cupcake. Here is the link to "Keep Calm, Drink Tea "

I am not pleased at all to hear about your health. *shaking my head as I write. I must insist that you go and get a thorough checkup. I hope this comment is not giving you a headache. :) Details in email then before you explode :).

by Sonya ha detto...

La salute è la cosa più so qualcosa lavorandoci in mezzo e studiando.
Noi possiamo aspettare che torni frizzante e splendente come sempre.
Un bacione

miniacollection ha detto...

Poor you! I hope you will be back to your old self very soon. It must be terrible to be aphonic. Try to rest a bit.
Best wishes

Jollie ha detto...

Take your time Rosanna to feel better. I hope you will feel okay soon.

Hugs, Jollie

Unknown ha detto...

*frowns* please please I hope you've gone and get it checked out. get well soon.....

About Me ha detto...

Dear Rosanna,
I hope you feel better and better! Take good care.