giovedì 30 giugno 2016

Fabulous giveaway

Su Facebook oggi è stato condiviso un giveaway "delizioso", sotto tutti i punti di vista !
Lo condivido con voi, dovete solo cliccare  QUI

A " delicious", in many ways, giveaway has been shared on Facebook today !
I share it with you , you only have to click HERE

2 commenti:

minwks ha detto...

Hi Rosanna,
The pavlova is so realistic. I made one on Monday for my book club evening held here at my house. Tomorrow I will make one for my neighbourhood block party on the beach.. I like to use tropical fruits for the topping over cream - mango, papaya, banana, orange and sometimes passion fruit if I have any,
Regards Janine

rosanna ha detto...

Hi Janine , pavlova is one of my favourite dessert as well . I love it with sour fruit and red berries . But it is always delicious :-) I truly hope to be lucky in this giveaway !